the Gap between those who hate and love Cristiano Ronaldo, has only become deeper after the Portuguese superstar and billionaire Tuesday published a picture of himself sitting in a private plane with a wide smile.

Shortly beforehand, he had confessed to tax fraud and agreed to a suspended prison sentence and a fine of 140 million dollars.

This is the infamous picture that Ronaldo published on the way home from the court of Madrid.

he then felt the urge to exhibit his wealth and his apparent lack of understanding of the gravity of the case, and that he did it almost simultaneously with the news that a plane with the argentinian footballer Emiliano Sala had disappeared over The English Channel, got a shitstorm to rage.

– He makes the crisis even worse than it needs to be, says kommunikationseksperten Sune Bang, which for 20 years has advised clients in crisis management.

– Here reveals Ronaldo as a person who does not understand the seriousness and do not understand the others view of the situation. He creates a reality that many perceive as absolutely inadmissible.

– He does not back and declares that he has learned something, or that he in the future will do things differently. He regrets not happened and does not explain, that there was talk about mistakes, or apologize, to those who have taken care of his economy, has failed and now has been fired, says Sune Bang.

A Twitter user harcelerer over Ronaldo lookup: ‘On the day, where a player disappears in a plane on his way to his new club, items this idiot a picture of himself in a private plane after being released for prison, because he is rich. Class,’ reads the caption.

– He will pay just the bill and will just fly on and playing teen and takes selfier, and so thinks many, of course, that he is completely gone and completely lost the ground connection. It is then that it becomes disgusting, someone will think.

Ronaldo’s image in privatflyet perceived by many as a distasteful response to Emiliano sala’s hapless fate, but everything speaks for the fact that it is a case that Ronaldo picture was posted close to the news about Salas missing aircraft.

Fodboldkommentatoren Gary Lineker was one of those who felt offended by Ronaldo’s timing.

– There must be a case of unlucky timing, and it can Ronaldo and his pr-staff are not blamed, believe, Sune Bang, which, in turn, as a professional communications advisor does not have much to spare for superstjernens advisers when it comes to the celebration of the completed tax case in privatflyet.

– Runs you as a person or a business into a crisis, you can actually come out stronger from it, if the crisis is handled properly, says Sune Bang.

– Proper handling of crises can give people a greater understanding of the background of the crisis. Therefore, it is extremely important to put the feet right.

– It has Ronaldo and his staff have clearly not done here. Act one is inappropriate in a crisis situation, as Ronaldo makes it here, so exacerbating to the crisis, says Sune Bang.

He estimates that the storm, Ronaldo is flown into, do not get the long-term consequences. There are hardly sponsors who will withdraw because of the tax issue, and soon may it all be forgotten, although Ronaldo has prolonged the crisis with its image in privatflyet.

the Worst for Ronaldo is it, think Sune Bang, to have his photo has made the tax issue personal. It is not just business and tinkering with tax dollars, you have gained insight in. Ronaldo’s personality shines through, and true many do not care about what they see.

– Even worse it can go, when the case about his alleged rape of a woman in Las Vegas comes to court, says Sune Bang.

– It is not about money and business, but solely on his personality. It is about whether he is a stupid bastard or not, and it is in the case, that his image can really suffer and be challenged.

the case, Ronaldo against, so it will be something that many will denounce, and which his big sponsors can not bear, says Sune Bang.