Rottespærrer in the thousands can be leaking, even on the most authoritarian authorities in the area have tested them.

But it is apparently not done well enough.

the Rats rodent up through the flaps on the catch, as the image of the two-month-old rottespærre of glass fiber reinforced plastic in the picture shows. The model has been sold in the thousands since 2010 and has been approved for UG and installed in sewer pipes.

– It is highly disputable that you can’t rely on the tests. It shows just again that there is a gap between theory and practice, raging Danish Kloakmestres chair, Verner H. Kristiansen of the Danish Technological Institute and ETA-Danmark A/S, which manages the Danish approval schemes for water supply and drainage products.

Kloakmester Anders Risager from vidensportalen Water & Environment is highly concerned that you apparently can’t rely on the approval procedures, as applied in the area.

– This is a sample, but there are installed thousands around. We figured everything was in order, so we have even used kloakspærren – we must take on our mantle, ” he says.

Use stainless steel
Also the importer, who has paid to get tested in the catch, wonder, hurt.

– We’ve seen a few pieces where the rats have gnawed through, but it must be a special case. We have a theory that it is when a rat has been blocked its young inside, on the other hand, says Niels Arne Lauridsen, director of European Trade and Imports.

The theory rejects Inge Faldager, who is a senior consultant at Rørcenteret, the Danish Technological Institute.

– No, how should it be able to happen? she asks.

She believes, on the other hand, to rottespærren fails, when something from the drain gets stuck under one of the flaps. She says that the only thing that is rottesikkert, is stainless steel. Yet have the Technology Department set the question rottespærre for approval by the ETA.

Starving wild rats
– We relate only to function. We do this by starving two wild rats, put them on one side of a kloakspærre and give them 14 days to come through to get fat in the food we have placed on the other side. However, the manufacturer may have developed the product, since we studied it, points to Inge Faldager and refers to ETA, which is responsible for the final approval.

But with the ETA, which is an independent body and by the authorities appointed to be a safety net, which conclusively ensures that the poor do not go out on the Danish market. But here they do no safety testing of the product.

– No, they have quite a lot of knowledge inside of Rørcenteret, so we leave the us, just like on their and the manufacturer’s overall conclusion. We have no requirement for product inspection in the rottespærrer here, but that one might consider, ” says project manager Peter Fritzel.

And the proposal welcomes the kloakformanden.

– It is clear, you should make several test that mimics reality, where the rats are fighting life-and-death to get through the catch. We can not be served with the not to be able to count with the official approvals, he says.
