three days ago, she was deprived of the driving license and the car keys to run on the sidewalk and sneak past a congestion zone in Drammensveien at Skøyen in Oslo.

It was no obstacle to continue your drive on the same sidewalk around the toll booth in Oslo west.

today was the woman in the 80 years, from the neighbouring district stopped again by the police on the sidewalk with the car as the police had taken the car keys.

Woman in the 80’s tried to sneak in the barrier. Turned the car up on the pavement

Now, the car was also avskiltet and imposed bruksforbud of the police lawyer in a not yet determined period of time.

the Audience reacted

There were several inquiries from the audience as did the police pass on, stopped the driver and got towed away the car last Monday, says operasjonsleder Tor Gulbrandsen at Oslo police to the newspaper Dagbladet.

And there are several that have registered that slalåmkjøringen around the barrier has not stopped after the first politiaksjonen.

Why was the police at the place on the sidewalk close to the Thune stop today again, between 11 and 12, which is the “spiral” time of the woman’s fortauskjøring.

That the police incur the keys and now signs, does not mean that the law enforcers take responsibility for storage of the actual car. The woman had obviously the same car and the keys when she was stopped the same place and in the same direction inward toward the city center.

the toll plazas can disappear

the Police lawyers are considering what happens now. She has broken at least two traffic laws – driving without a driver’s license and driving on the sidewalk, ” says operasjonsleder Tor Gulbrandsen.

talking point for lunch

– she Has explained about the run is a protest against the tolls?

It shows nothing of the report from our tjenestefolk on the site about it. There are also no notes about the woman’s health condition, the answer operasjonslederen on Dagbladet questions.

Fortauskjøringen around bompengekameraet at Skøyen has been a hot topic in workplaces with views to cars and pedestrians since long before christmas.

A worker on the road filmed the car on the sidewalk the first time 28. november of last year.

Since it still look and often, like at lunchtime.

– You can’t keep on the way

– there Have been dangerous situations for pedestrians?

– Not what we have seen here from the window. A colleague stopped the car on the sidewalk one day, and said to the driver that she could not hold on to.

she said something about bompengeprotest?

Not that I can remember that his colleague told. She tried to talk himself away from the situation, as his colleague understood it. The female driver defended himself with the fact that she had to catch an hour in the hospital, or something like that, describes “vindusobservatøren” at Skøyen towards the Newspaper.

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