A few days after president Vladimir Putin said that his country is ready for a situation such as that at the time of the Cuban missile crisis (1962), you can hear from Russia again under penalty language. The Russian state does even a scoop on top and some of the U.s. goals are listed which Moscow would seek in the event of a nuclear attack, including the Pentagon in Washington, D. C., where the U.s. department of defense has a seat), and Camp David, the country retreat of the Us presidents.

Last week announced the Russian president Vladimir Putin during his annual policy statement, a new supersonic long-range missile: the Tsirkon. That can be launched from naval vessels and submarines, and has a range of a thousand kilometres. Washington may be so but better to think before the new armament decided that Moscow as a threat to interpret, gave the Russian president to understand.

The Kremlin fears more determined that the united states raketinstallaties in the direction of Russia wants to do to move up. Washington says, however, that it does not immediately have plans for missiles at medium range in Europe to deploy, and putin’s warnings, dismissed as mere propaganda.


Putin has said that Moscow is not a new arms race wants, but there he is at the same time, its military rhetoric. The Russian president said a few days ago that his country is ready for a situation such as that at the time of the Cuban missile crisis, in 1962 the world is on the brink of a nuclear war brought. Some analysts see strong statements as a tactic to make the US re-engage in conversations about the strategic balance between the two powers.

Since yesterday it seems even the Russian state television to wish to be involved in the propagandastrijd. Dmitry Kiselyov said in the program “Vesti Nedeli,” a map of the US to see and gave a variety of purposes to which Moscow, according to him, would want to take in the event of a nuclear war. Which include, interestingly enough, also two military bases that are no longer used: Fort Ritchie, a military training center in Maryland in 1998 and was closed, and the U.s. air force McClellan out in California who in 2001 was closed. In addition, it was also the communicatiebasis of Jim Creek, destined for the navy, in the state of Washington indicated.

Less than five minutes

Kiselyov said that the Tsirkon-rocket goals in less than five minutes might become as he is from Russian submarines in American waters would be launched. “For the moment, to threaten we don’t, but if it must, such a development immediately,” he said.

Moscow may be the United States into radioactive ash change

Presenter Dmitry Kiselyov in 2014

Kiselyov is not to his advantage what incendiary language. In march 2014, said the presenter, that Moscow is the US “into radioactive ashes can change”. Kiselyov declared in april 2017 in the same program that U.s. president Donald Trump is more dangerous than North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. “A nuclear war is only a hair’s breadth removed. By a confrontation between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un may be a war break out. They are both dangerous, but who is the most dangerous? Trump is the most dangerous”, he said.

Asked to comment on the statements by Kiselyov said the Kremlin that it does not interfere in the editorial policy of the state.