“S solid kömiljarden – ahead of up to date variation”

“Hundreds of thousands of swedes waiting for care.”

“the social democrats solid Alliance kömiljard.”

“and Now, it reinstated – in an ”updated version”.”

“– you Must know that care is accessible, then you don’t experience the queues, says the social minister Lena Hallengren (S).”

“In the day waiting for hundreds of thousands of swedes to get to a doctor’s appointment, a specialistbedömning or to get an operation. “

“According to Lena Hallengren is the queues one of the biggest problems in american health care – and something you have to deal with.”

“– An accessible health care for all is the cornerstone of a well-functioning welfare. You must know that care is accessible, then you don’t experience the queues, ” she says.”

“Criticized kömiljarden”

“In januariöverenskommelsen between S, MP, C and L stipulates that waiting lists should be shortened, by an ”updated kömiljard” will be introduced in the legislature.”

“This is despite the fact that S has been a very strong opponent to the former non-socialist Alliance’s kömiljard. “

“In hard terms have been criticised, the solution where the county council, which cut their queues were rewarded financially. The criticism went to people with minor ailments went past them with the major problems in the pursuit of money.”

“– To provide a bonus to county councils as were able to show shorter queues did that it all too often became the statistics that you tried to change that, and not köernas root causes, beating prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) fixed for the election last year.”

“But that’s now changed its tune in the question to Lena Hallengren not agree with. “

“She believes that the name ”kömiljarden” was smart because it points to a problem that people are experiencing, but that the criticism of how it was designed remain.”

“We have always said that one should not wait for treatment, but kömiljardsdiskussionen created a somewhat strange debate where it was perceived as a question of yes or no to the queues,” she says.”

“Hallengren, however, is self-critical in terms of how you attacked the problem, and insists that her own government has failed to resolve it.”

“– We did not manage queues in the previous term, but not the work that the centre-right government pursued was optimal.”

“Exactly when the new kömiljarden shall be in use can the minister not say. More than that it shall be made during the term of office.”

“For it to be good requires substantial work and negotiations between the four rodney king during an arrest, beats Hallengren fixed.”

” We shall not do that last time when it was easy to get a first visit and not nearly as easy to get a return visit, which many people need in health care. Not least the elderly and the chronically ill.”

“But the money, as an incentive to the county councils it will be.”

“”Cash and contacts to””

“The spokesperson of public health, doctor Anders W Jonsson, is pleased to have agreed a kömiljard.”

“– Has long queues, it is always the one who has the cash or the contacts made. Therefore, this is a very important issue, ” he says.”

“Jonsson agree with Hallengren that the new kömiljarden must be designed in another way. Among other things, taking greater account of patients need different types of measures.”

“nor can He say when kömiljarden should be up and running, but hope to as soon as possible.”

” the Money is set aside in the budget for 2019. So my and C’s ambition is that the money be distributed to counties and regions that shorten their queues already for years.”

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“• 2009, the then alliance government to set aside a billion dollars annually to reduce waiting times in health care. Kömiljarden meant that county councils and regions had a performance-based compensation when they got down their queues.”

“• Kömiljarden abolished in 2015 of the government Leaves.”

“• In Januariavtalet between S, MP, C and L, which was concluded after the general elections of 2018, said that ”An updated kömiljard shall be introduced that covers the entire care chain and, in particular, takes into account the chronically ill patients ‘ needs. A master plan for the shorter queues are developed together with the county councils where this is included. Ambulansvården, cancer care and maternity care will be strengthened.”.”

“• the care Guarantee are usually summarized 0, 3, 90, 90.”

“It means that patients have the right to get in touch with the primary care directly, in zero days. Get a medical evaluation within three days. A first visit in specialised health care within three months, 90 days, and after the decision about surgery get time within the next 90 days.”

“• In the day waiting for hundreds of thousands of swedes on the care. The worst is the situation in the operationssjukvården, where only 69 per cent get the treatment in time. In total there are 127 000 swedes in the queue for surgery. Almost 300 000 people are waiting for an appointment with a specialist.”

“Source: Swedish municipalities and county councils, vantetider.see”