“S: the New budget can increase long-term unemployment”

“The average time for newcomers to establish themselves in the labour market has decreased from nine to five years, according to figures from the Ministry of labour.”

“Now, warns minister for employment Ylva Johansson (S) for the budget cuts likely to increase at the time again.”

“I am really scared that it will lead to increased long-term unemployment for these groups with the cuts of 3.6 billion made on the labour-market policy measures,” says Johansson to the TT.”

“The new budget that was voted through by M, the KD and the SD before christmas, means that the public employment service will save sek 386 million on the myndighetsanslaget and 3.6 billion on a labour market intervention in years.”

“– the public employment service has said that it will lead to a complete shutdown for extras. We have around 18 000 now in the extras, which means that resources are tied up. The extra services are really not hallelujah, but it goes pretty good anyway. In november it was 38 per cent who went on to work or study. From nystartsjobben it is 46%, so it is a pretty good result, ” she says.”

“According to the Employment service director-general Mikael Sjöberg will the downsizing of the myndighetsanslaget result in a reduction of the number of employees with 2 to 200 employees, or in the worst case 4 500.”

“– It means fewer offices and fewer people who can provide support. I think it may be about 14 000-15 000 fewer people will receive any form of action, and there is a high risk that it is about the people who are furthest from the labour market. It will add to long-term unemployment, especially now, if the economy turns around, ” says Ylva Johansson.”

“TT: Why do you go out as a minister in a transitional government and making the political mark?”

“– It is not primarily a political statement, I want to tell you about the consequences. We have had a positive development both for the young and the newly arrived, and now it is a big risk of long-term unemployment increases. New arrivals with low education and training needs to labour market measures in order to be able to get a first job, ” says Johansson.”

“the Conservatives, labour market policy spokesperson, Jesscia Polfjärd says in a comment that it had been better if Ylva Johansson implemented the reforms when she was in charge.”

“– There have been four lost years of the integration. The improvements we have seen is only a result of the boom. The extra services have proven to be an extremely expensive effort to create jobs and, in addition, many times the misguided. For newcomers, it is more important that we strengthen the adult education and lowers the tax on low incomes, ” she says to TT.”

“SCB not measuring the average provisioning time, but how many are established per year after the scheduled arrival time.”

“the Various governments tend, however, to talk about the average provisioning time, which is when over 50% of the people who came, established themselves in the labour market, that is to say, gainfully employed, and not just had any odd jobs.”

“Source: statistics SWEDEN, the Ministry of labour”