Diksmuide The board of directors of the St. Aloysiuscollege along the Wilgendijk has Friday morning decided to take the traditional 100-dagenviering to cancel. They took that measure after a large group of students at night school, had invaded and vandalism committed. “We want to be as a powerful signal that we will not tolerate,” says director Isabelle De Keyser.
During the 100-day celebration celebrated the laatstejaarsleerlingen traditionally their last months in secondary school education. On the schedule was a breakfast at school, then a film screening, and a paintballsessie in Poperinge. The school let the pupils however at the start of the day to know that they direct the entire schedule cancels and sent all the students home. “When we were at school arrived, we noticed various acts of vandalism,” says director Isabelle De Keyser. “We watched immediately the camera footage and saw that a large group of young people had been active. They were about thirty and we suspect that it is all pupils of the sixth year. They climbed over the gate and proceeded to the kluisjesruimte, on the playground.”
Courses just before exams destroyed
There founded the students a lot of vandalism. “Garbage bags was to be bestowed and poured out, and there was a great disorder caused,” continues the director. “The worst thing was the havoc that is caused in the kluisjesruimte. The safety deposit boxes of different students were opened. Different courses were set on the ground and destroyed. We stand for the exams for the students involved, this is absolutely no fun. In addition, there were felt-tip pens slogans on the windows were made, but that could be removed quickly. Such a behaviour tolerate, we absolutely not and that is why we opted for the 100-day celebration to cancel. It is the first time that we have to such a measure should proceed. We also brought the parents to inform them that this is absolutely not acceptable. We also look at whether we have sanctions to take against the students.”
The police was not notified of the case because the school this intern wants to solve. Several students were in the meantime to know that they feel themselves victim of the whole situation. “By the behavior of some students is the feast of all zesdejaars blighted”, sounds.