– My girlfriend experienced on Saturday night to get a very bad and unjustified treatment in front of a copenhagen dance bar.
so begins Sara F. a letter to the editor of Ekstra Bladet on what she describes as an embarrassing and humiliating experience of a smaller copenhagen disco. Sara continues her letter thus:
– My gf is educated and grown up in Denmark, speak Danish fluently, have a job and no criminal record, have never been up to contend and is the most loving person I know.
He and five white friends
– However, he’s apparently so wrong that his looks alone can be reason enough to not want to let him enter, even the cheapest dance bar. Could it perhaps have something to do with his african lineage?
He and five white, Danish friends would like to enter and have a nice evening, and they were also partly closed. Or that is to say, the five Danish friends were allowed in. For shortly after that the bouncer had let my boyfriend pass, he changed the manifest sense.
the Doorman was not at ease
– Bouncer took hold of him and said that he could not let him enter anyway, since he was not comfortable with it! He definitely had done neither the one or the other wrong, was dressed in neat black trousers, a coloured shirt and had no hat or jewelry. One of the guys was even wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, but it was still my gf, so wrong, and he had to be outside.
– The only real justification for throwing him away must therefore be, that he was not comfortable with shutting down his race or color. It was not just hurtful for him to be kicked out of a place because of how he looked, but also humiliating and embarrassing. Humiliating to go away, knowing that his appearance, black is not ’approved’, well enough, to get into a disco, writes Sara F., who would like to start a debate on discrimination in nightlife.
Have you experienced discrimination in the nightlife – and what do you think of sara’s boyfriend to do?
NOTE: the nation! have asked the club for a comment, but they have not returned.