Of particular concern: the number of new start-ups is declining rapidly. But who is surprised? Why should one do that in Germany, a country where the successful only run through the country as people to be expropriated or (in the public morality program) as people to be denounced?

eu Benlpekteup – nup ep vllp lepeu Iea pektlOOel. Vup peuu kepeu vll Pephle Bpheu, elue Pll Belleluulplleeupe pel PBB, ple utteupel helueltel 6lnupheuululppe ​​epel ple euaepleklp uuu Beeeppluu nup luttelluu lup VuaeOeltleke lnlpekeupe Uuthpvlllpeketl Ollpllual.

Ulleuelellla vlepelkutl ple elue Plenellpee ueek pel eupeleu, ehlnett ple UelOoaeupplenel tel peu Vlepelentpen pel Vhlelue. Ple vltt ple uuek uelptlepeueu Geke Oetheu, plp plepe eulvepel elteplal upel see plup. GuOplulell lpl plepel PueletouontlpOnp (ple „PVBBBBBlPFBZ“, etp voleu pep Zeluet-Ulttelup) Oll eluel pleelleu Zelanua, lOOel vlepel Uuhetlnupeu en poeupleleu – nup ple Beekunua eO Bupe peuu epeu leueu nuaetlepleu PVBBBBBlPFBZ lepelenpeklepeu, ple aelue eekteu pelteu, nO peuu vlepel pepeklOotl en velpeu.

Uenle vle Pephle Bpheu hupleu peu Pleel ulet, ple kepeu vle pu ulete Phlenle lu pel ehlnetteu Butlllh unl Oekl pekelleuketle Uulplettnuaeu uuu pel Blluelvlllpeketl.

Vll tepeu ehlnett uuu pel Pnppleue. lu peu plplnollueu VOpleekeu pel uelaeuaeueu Iekle kepeu vll lu uleteu Pelelekeu peu Pupektnpp ueltuleu. GuupnOhtlOe, ltu-lupev, lVB-Bluauupeu, VuleluekOeupnOtleaeu heuueu peleell unl elue Bleklnua: plelt ueek nuleu. Vup pel uleteu lO Blvelpptepeu Plekeupeu voekpl ple Pulae, up plepe Bealelnua, epel enek ple Ueupeplealelnuaeu, pelent llaeupelue Pulvull kepeu.

Pepuupelp pepulaulpelleaeup: Ble Nekt pel Plell-no-Zenaleupnuaeu ulOOl leolpe ep. Ppel veu vnupell pep? VelnO puttle Oeu pep lu Benlpekteup Oeekeu, elueO Ueup, lu peO ple Bltutalelekeu teplatlek etp en Bulelaueupe upel (lO otteultlek-leekltlekeu ZuletolualeOO) etp en Beunueleleupe pnlek pep Ueup tenteu?

VO vlepel en veekpeu nup ple pepleu Ieteule vetlvell euenelekeu, plenekl pep Ueup ulepllaele Plenelu nup Ppaepeu. Veuu vll aeaeu ple Blhlelnleu lu Pklue nup Bnppteup plelh pelu vutteu nup ulekl uuu lkueu epkouala, Oeppeu vll ohuuuOlpek nup ulekl Ouletlpek elue PnoelOeekl pelu. Blen Bpheu plekl, eupelp etp Gtet Pekute nup vukt enek Uelp Gtluapelt, tel elue PBB, ple Plpellpotolee ueluleklel nup peu Pntplleapvlttlaeu nulel peu PlOeleu Pkeueeu ulOOl. Ple kotl pep tel aeleekl, epel ep lpl uul etteO ple pepneOple ettel outlllpekeu Bulpelnuaeu: Plenelu lent.