“Say hello to Torsten – Furuviksparkens new little chimp”

“On 20 January, a new little kid to the world and extended schimpansfamiljen of the furuvik zoo.”

“The newborn little chimpansen has been given the name of Torsten. “

“the Birth went well and the parents of Maria Magdalena and Tjobbe cuddles now with his little kid.”

“Just in time for christmas began djurvårdarna at the furuvik zoo ana to schimpanshonan Maria Magdalena was expecting a child. Her stomach grew, and on January 20, wanted the little in her stomach to come out, something Gefle Dagblad reported on.”

“the Birth went well and Mary Magdalene and Tjobbe can now call himself the proud parents of the little schimpanshanen named Torsten.”

“The little and the mother is doing fine and is now resting up.”

“Lille Torsten – a welcome addition to Furuvik”

“Chimpanzees are an endangered animal and very few kittens are born around the world. Why have zoos an important role when it comes to preserving the species. Furuvik zoo is just a conservation programme of chimpanzees.”

“”We are so excited to Maria Magdalena and Tjobbe now got a little kid and Torsten is a more than welcome addition to Furuvik and to schimpansgruppen” says Natalie Magnusson, who is djurchef at Furuvik in a press releases.”