A single girl who is remarkably stubborn, has managed to move hundreds of thousands of children to free days for school truancy. Also in Berlin. Strangely, we hear little of the consequences. After all, the school are compulsory, and which is selectively set by: the Truant officer be brought in case of police out of bed and to class, and also at the airport you will be collected, if you want to even before the start of the holiday in the holiday. Only during the school strike for the climate, it is remarkably quiet. Schools find it difficult to make a clear announcement. “Actually, there is a rebuke, but here we see them”, they write, for example, and as encouragement to Continue to interpret.
climate change cannot be averted, not even by the Demos
climate change is a good thing, skip School, but is breaking the law and to disapprove of. On the other hand, the demands of the youth just get through the school strike weight. “The issue is so important that we also take disadvantages,” namely, censure or unexcused Absence, is the message. The schools could react to it, and in the classroom. Climate change is not averted by Demos. The children can change more, if you study hard, so that they can master the challenges that come inevitably as a result of climate change. The should focus on the schools. So how do we deal with the changes? What are the consequences of our way of life, particularly the consumer? Who will suffer, who die? That would take the children seriously – and to keep them in school.
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