“Scientists warn of more chaos in Venezuela,”

“– Neither the united states nor the EU seem to have no plan.”

“Over 95 percent of Venezuela’s export earnings come from the oil and because the united states is by far the largest buyer, will the new sanctions imposed earlier in the week to have disastrous consequences, according to Edmé Dominguez, who is peace and konfliktforskare at Gothenburg university.”

“– There is already a terribly bad situation in the oil industry. It is completely fucked in the bottom due to corruption and lack of repairs and investment, ” she says.”

“– The only solution would be to sell to any other country, but it is not possible in the short term.”

“Venezuela imports most of the raw materials because there are not enough local industries. The loss of oil revenue now makes it even more difficult to purchase medicine and food, which makes Dominguez think that support for president Nicolás Maduro will be their additional.”

“– the Government is trying to maintain the little support it has through to deliver food parcels and other. But it is not enough for all, and that is why many previously sympatiserat with Maduro is not doing it anymore, ” she says.”

“– When the government can no longer deliver what little it delivers so I find it hard to see how it is going to continue to maintain that support.”

“the Sanctions mean that the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA no longer get paid for their sales to u.s. refineries and the proceeds from the US-based subsidiary Citgo ports on a locked account until the Association has delivered the power.”

“Dominguez has not much to spare for the government of Venezuela, but is critical to the united states so hard pushing the country to the alternation of power – without really having any plan.”

“– My opinion is that neither the U.S. nor the EU has clear as to what will happen then. They want to get rid of Maduro, but what are the guarantees that there won’t be chaos?”

“According to Dominguez is an imminent risk of increased civil unrest as the opposition is deeply fragmented.”

“– The only thing that unites them is the fight against Maduro. But in addition there are large klyvningar, for example, what comes to how to restore the economy.”

“Maduro claims that the sanctions are a way for the U.S. to steal its subsidiary Citgo and he has the support of its allies. Russia believes that the us sanctions are illegal and China that the united states should take responsibility for the serious consequences.”

“It is true that the sanctions are contrary to all international law and human rights, and I think that it is wrong that the united states always can do as they like with all governments they do not like,” says Dominguez.”

“The self-proclaimed president Juan Guaidó has said that he will take control of Venezuela’s assets abroad and appoint new boards of directors for PDVSA and Citgo. But Dominguez has a hard time understanding how it would go to the practical because he does not yet have any power.”

“According to her linked in instead much on the military, which stands side by side with Maduro, and who controls the oil companies.”

“– They are the bridge for all the power in Venezuela. Without them there is no chance to change the situation.”

“Nicolás Maduro, who took over as president after his mentor Hugo Chavez in 2013.”

“In the 2015 elections lost his socialistparti for the first time in 17 years, the majority in the national assembly, which is now led by the opposition leader Juan Guaidó. It did that the government and parliament controlled by the two different camps, who are political opponents.”

“round the the situation carried out the Attack in August 2017, a disputed election to a new constituent assembly, a grundlagsförsamling, with the power to rewrite the constitution.”

“Maduro then announced that presidential elections would be brought forward. He was declared the victor in the election, held in may 2018. The turnout was low because large parts of the opposition boycotted the elections.”

“Venezuela sits on earth’s largest oil reserves. 2014 collapsed the price of oil, which meant a disaster for the country. Venezuela is suffering from hyperinflation and devastated economically. There is a shortage of food and medicines. Over a million people have fled to neighboring Colombia.”

“Source: Foreign policy institute”