The Grand coalition is arguing about the ban on advertising for abortion. A telephone of the party Chairman of the CDU and the SPD brought no result. Now it could run on a certain decision.

In the dispute over the ban on abortion advertising wrestles the Grand coalition to agree. The new CDU-Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer night, with SPD Leader Andrea Nahles on the subject. A solution the phone is not brought in, apparently.

The new CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer is against the deletion of paragraph 219a.

“are We in a good exchange, but we are not yet at the end of our discussion,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer at Anne Will. The new CDU-Chairman, spoke out against the deletion of Kalebet paragraph 219a: “The advertising ban should not and must not be abolished.” She wanted to but the Information for women. The government have a mandate, to submit a proposal.

receivables in accordance with certain decision-making

The former SPD leader, Martin Schulz, to explain the question to the conscience decision. Then, the Bundestag could change the paragraph 219a with the votes of SPD, FDP, Left and Greens – against the wishes of the coalition partner CDU/CSU. “I think the Parliament should give the members here the opportunity to a free vote,” said Schulz. If Union members were of the view that an abolition of the advertising ban could not support it, you have to respect that.

In the conflict rose at last the pressure on the SPD-Boss. The SPD member of the German Bundestag Florian Post threatened in the “Bild am Sonntag”, he’ll apply for a with some colleagues in the group session, a certain decision should not Nahles reach until Tuesday to reach an agreement with the Union. He called for an Amendment to the paragraph 219a, legal security for Doctors and Information for women.