Every year, around new year’s to find a large amount of the so-called krysantemumbomber its way onto the black market, where many of them subsequently end up in the hands of regular people.

Krysantemumbomber, however, must only be fired by professionals, as they can be dangerous, if you don’t know what you’re doing.

the Bombs explode extremely strongly, and therefore, they must be like to be shot a few hundred metres up in the air, before they go of.

Many amateur fyrværkere fires, however, krysantemumbomber at ground level, and dealing with the dangerous and illegal fireworks has resulted in several deaths in recent years.

* Krysantemumbomber are fireworks made for professional.

* A krysantemumbombe to be fired from a specially affyringsrør. The bomb slid about 100 feet up in the air, where it explodes and shoots a lot of flares out on all sides.

* the Name of the fireworks is given, because it forms a bouquet of flares in the sky like a chrysanthemum in flower.

* The bombs vary in size from a tennis ball to a big football.

* The least is powerful enough to blow up a hand in pieces.

* If the bomb is approaching the size of a small handball – approximately six inches – can cause you to lose life.

* new year’s eve lost three men to life in two different accidents in the Mariager Fjord Municipality. Both accidents were due to krysantemumbomber.

Sources: Ritzau

the Extra Leaf, the TV took around new year’s 2014/15, with a professional display to get a demonstration of the krysantemumbombernes destructive forces when they fired on the ground. We fired a bomb at the side of the two grisehoveder to see what damage they would incur.