“Senate votes down Trumps national emergency”

“the Us senate voted tonight on the Trump national emergency.”

“With the numbers 59-41 voted against the president, and to lift the state of emergency.”

“Now remains only for Trump to use his veto to get through the financing to the wall.”

“”VETO!”, he tweeted after the vote was finished.”

“The us senate voted tonight on the president Trumps national emergency to get the money to finance the great wall against Mexico.”

“the Senate’s reply was to you not backing up the Trump, but want to repeal the state of emergency. With the voting figures 59-41 voted against the president.”

“When the voting is completed, the document will be sent to the White house, where the president is most likely going to use its veto – in order to still try to get through the financing.”

“he has previously stated. He repeated it on Twitter shortly after the vote was finished. Tweeten contained a word with big letters: ”Veto”.”

“Twelve republicans voted against the Trump”

“Later, in a second tweet, he developed and stated that he intends to use his veto.”

“the President called earlier in the day their republican colleagues to vote with him in order to maintain the state of emergency. “

“Something that did not go home at all. 12 republicans voted with the democrats, including Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio.”