The British Prime Minister Theresa May standing in the Brexit policy under increasing pressure from all sides: Three Ministers of your Cabinet May threatened in a on Tuesday in the newspaper “Daily Mail” published a letter with your resignation, should not the Prime Minister of a disorderly exit the EU without an agreement is definitely exclusive. Could May any concessions from Brussels win, which would secure the discharge of the contract, a majority in the lower house, should the discharge date of the move, the Minister. According to the tabloid, also other members of the government are ready to resign.

On Tuesday morning, British media reported online May now plan in fact, the Parliament has a vote on an extension of article 50 (a displacement of the exit date 29. To March), if you Brexit Treaty on 12. March will again be a majority. So far, the Prime Minister had rejected the strict. First of all, May advise but with your Cabinet. The reports independently of the “Evening Standard”, the “Financial Times” and the “Daily Mail”.

The session of may’s Cabinet began at 10: 30 (Swiss time). Your statement as to the state of the Brexit-the consultation is expected to 13.30 PM in the house of Commons, as the Guardian reported.

The deputies had rejected last month by a large majority to the Brussels negotiated Brexit Treaty, and the improvements required. A solution that is likely to have a majority in the lower house, is currently not in sight.

Among the members of Parliament of considerable resentment about May. The Prime Minister wants the house of Commons until 12. March may be supplemented Brexit Treaty, submit it to a vote – just 17 days before the planned exit date.


Created: 26.02.2019, 11:51 PM