– the Right serves the bluff for lunch, ” says Støre to the Newspaper.

This week, it became known that the majority in a the Right-choice will have in place a quote about the serving of lunch in primary school and in secondary school towards the cost.

the Right says is that it is fine if schools want servers food. Thus, anything there is full opportunity to already. The right does not add a penny in the proposal, and then it is not something new, ” says Støre.

Learning and food

Ap-the leader notes that the Right items get a shared setting in which the minority says no to facilitate a skolemåltid.

Wearing the Right who say that it is either school meals or knowledge. They must replace or with and. When one of the five pupils not having eaten a proper breakfast or do not have with school meals, it runs out of the ability to learn, there is unrest in the classroom, and it is bad public health, emphasises.

– Speak nicely

Støre believes the Right write-up against the Labour party and other left wing that have gone into for school meals in different varieties.

It is good that parts of the Right now for the first time speak positively about school meals. It is because they realize that it is important and something parents are concerned about. But we need to look at what the Right is doing, and not what they say. Right talking nicely about school meals, but does not do anything to obtain it, the opinion Ap-the leader.

Free AKS

the party’s oppvekstutvalg la in January presented a variety of suggestions where free kjernetid of ten hours a week of AKS is the most expensive. The price tag is estimated to be nok 4.5 billion.

the Labour party will introduce the school meals

Støre admits that there is a lot of money.

He says he is looking forward to the debate on the Aps profile, where also an increase of family benefits – or not – will be a theme.

I have done myself up an opinion on family benefits, but will listen to the debate on the congress, ” he says.

Used family benefits

In the Aps alternative proposals to the central government budget for 2019 went to the party in a sharing the cost around school meals with an excess of six million a day.

What is the difference between the Aps and the Conservative proposal, when you both want the parents to pay?

Six million is far less than it costs to grease a packed lunch, and far below the 20-25 million that the Conservative cost-proposals will involve, respond Støre.

Ap la the increase in child benefit as the christian democratic party has got through in the 80 million to families with children from march, in a pot that ensures school meals with the discount, extended free dental health from 19 to 21 years, free dental health to cancer patients and a focus on skoleutstyrsbibliotek throughout the country.


Lier-mayor Gunn Cecilie Ringdal has led the Conservative velferdsutvalg that delivers the shared setting of school meals. She believes the Ap-manager’s proposal is little realistic:

I can’t understand that Store can claim that the Right is bluffing. It is not realistic to expect that municipalities and county municipalities will have the resources to pay the food to the people, when most of us can pay for the food themselves, ” she says to Dagbladet.

Ringdal believe that a “simple and healthy” skolemåltid will cost around 300 dollars a month.

Parents are concerned that their children receive set of time to eat. I myself have children in school and know tidsklemma, even if most of us the have time to smear a packed lunch. But we give no expectation that the other should pay this, ” she says.

– Bread can be purchased

member of parliament Sveinung Stensland is one of the four utvalgsmedlemmer who have taken dissenting opinion and want to drop the point about school meals.

I’d rather use the resources on the quality and content of the school, he says to NTB.

– Matpakken have lived well in all the years, and it is a good tradition. Bread can be purchased at the store, it can not a good teacher. A good school is the most socially utjevnende measure we have. Then we need to use the resources on teaching and not filling the school with everything else, ” says Stensland.

school meals is good’s welfare policy Debate