It was supposedly discontent with having to stand in line, there were Nur Islam to set fire to a bank in a suburb of the australian of these Melbourne in november 2016. It writes 7News.

The 24-year-old asylum seeker from Myanmar left the bank, as he seems the expedition went slowly, but a few minutes later he returned with 11 litres of petrol, which he poured out on the floor in the entrance and set fire to it. The scattered understandably, the wild panic among the 39 people who were present and had to flee for his life.

No one lost their lives during the fire, but 15 people got seriously hurt and they have according to australian 9News witness in the trial of Nur Islam, who on Friday was sentenced to seven years in prison for his action.

During the trial, it emerged that Nur Islam, who himself was burned on 60 percent of the body below the ildspåsættelsen, the day before had smoked methamphetamine. Islam has himself explained, that he could not remember why he had the flammable liquid in the bank, but that he was angry because the bank was too long to serve him.

Nur Islam’s application for asylum was in september rejected, and, according to his lawyer he will probably be made stateless after completion of the sentence, since he should not count on to be let back into his home country.