“Seven hours of preparation for a film I don’t want to see”

“about a year ago went to Joachim and one of our daughters to the cinema together.”

“”Avengers infinity war””

“The movies named something with the war. And so it is not war, war. It is a rude raccoon with a fanny pack, there is some kind of krystad battle and a tree, which is nice, dying.”

“Rename the movies to the battle-something, if you must.”

“But then came the eftersnacket. And, as I understood it, it was something quite remarkable with this film.”

“There are so many superhero films, but this one was really good. It was said.”

“But good compared to what? Good, compared with the batman movie where Heath Ledger was the Joker? Good, compared with the Amelie from Montmartre? Good compared with the latest Avengersfilmen?”

“Fresh in the memory was also how incredibly strong and good the latest X-men – the movie ”Logan” was. I have not seen it, apparently I would not cope with the violence, but the ones who see the movies called war-something said that it was fantastic.”

“Avengers infinity, now I have decided, I’m going to see it. I was going to teach me to think about movies that depict intergalactic discord.”

“But now it is called that I can’t see it until I have seen the films that come before.”

“So the past weekend we harvested the ”Avengers Civil war” (civil war, eh okay), ”Thor-Ragnarok” and ”Guardians of the galaxy 2.””

“Over seven hours of preparation for a film that I probably is not really interested in.”

“And now on Friday, when we have given the babies the candy and poured up vietnamese food on beautiful plates in front of the television, it is time.”

“”On the trail” is not in season, so I might as well try to entertain me with this.”

“though I don’t know, I’m starting to feel a little tired. The eternal battles, the evil against the good. The beautiful people as in slow motion lunges with the chest and the sword before in the universe’s backwaters.”

“I see a clip from Paris where the city’s inhabitants singing Ave Maria together, their faces illuminated by the fire from the Notre Dame. It is nice, it is not a war, it is not infinity, it is here and now and the people who are quietly sad together.”

“I have spent my hours on the imagination, the imaginative, the fictive.”

“No one can say that I have not tried.”

“And I suddenly want to just have the reality, and barely there.”

“But now it is in all cases the end of the year. Now there is no more. Notre Dame should be built up again, but Avengersfilmerna is over.”

“I hear the Joachim and the daughter talking in the kitchen.”

“”On Wednesday, ”Avengers: the Endgame” premiered, shall I book the tickets?”.”

“GoT: considering how many people who brag about never having seen a single episode of Game of thrones so one can wonder if the series has any viewers at all.nnGoTT: I have never seen a single episode of Game of thrones.”