“Sharp reduction of the number of dairy cows,”

“the Number of dairy cows and dairy farmers in Sweden are becoming fewer and fewer. Since the turn of the millennium, dairy cows declined by 26 percent, from 425 800 to 313 048, writes the business newspaper ATL is some of the statistics from the Swedish board of Agriculture. The past year has more than 10 000 dairy cows disappeared.”

“Although the number of mjölkföretagare reduces and 2018, there were 3 351 pieces, compared with 4 032 for the year 2014. The reason for the decline is believed to be due to that it is difficult to get the business profitable as well as the structural rationalization that the industry is undergoing. Even this past summer’s drought may play a role.”

“– Mjölkinvägningen was in line with the 2017 under last spring but since the beginning of the summer, we have had a decline of 2-3 per cent each month compared with previous years, ” says Lisa Ehde, manager at the LRF Milk, to the ATL.”