“Because of a family we need to raise taxes.” With this quote-title overwrote the “view” in the fall of 2014 a great article about the small village of Hagen’s book on the Eastern edge of the Canton of Zurich. Although other media, such as the “NZZ on Sunday” or the “Tages-Anzeiger had previously reported” on the case of an Eritrean mother with seven children, the high level of induced social costs. However, the Name of the municipality was not initially called.
you have not searched the Public, says almost five years later, parish President Therese Schläpfer. The “view” have you made a short time before the choice: Either you would and Hagen book with or without your cooperation outed. Schläpfer opted for the former variant, gave the newspaper information on the case, had photograph. The SVP local politician was the night in Switzerland on a topic.
The headline in the “look” of 15. September 2014.
Now it has paid off for Schläpfer politically. On the last Sunday, she was elected to the Zurich cantonal Parliament. Since Tuesday, it is clear that you will soon be a national councillor. Because at the beginning of June, Jürg Stahl and Nathalie Rickli give up their mandate, Schläpfer. “Of course, for me, the case of Eritrean family politically,” says the 59-Year-old. Whether you want to accept in addition to the national Council’s mandate is also a member of the Parliament, not white Schläpfer.
Only because of this Case, the Zurich SVP is to Schläpfer. “I was asked whether I want to be as a candidate set up,” says Schläpfer. For the member of the Parliament election, the time was not enough at that time. The SVP-list already, and the first posters were printed. However, in the case of the national options Schläpfer was allowed to compete for the party. On the 22. 35 list of places. In the normal case, a space for chance loose. However, Schläpfer made in the election in the autumn of 2015, a big leap forward in space 14.
especially in the Canton of paid-in
It was actually already clear that in the case of the Eritrean family was over the top. It was true that the family of the public caused a very high cost. Because the mother was overwhelmed, was to hear from the children and adults protective (Kesb) is a professional family accompaniment. Several children were placed in homes. However, of the estimated cost of 60’000 Swiss francs per month, Hagenbuch had to carry less than half of yourself. The lion’s share was accounted for by the Canton.
As of the end of 2014 at the municipal meeting about the tax increase should be voted on, said the municipal clerk, the “Tages-Anzeiger”: “We would have to raise taxes, even without this family.” Three years earlier, Hagenbuch had lowered the Tax rate to 10 percent. It was already clear that this reduction will not be permanent.
family moved away
Schläpfer, mother of three adult children and married to a businessman, said today: “I would act in a different way. The population had a right to know of this case.” You’ve seen an error in the social system, you not simply have to stand.
Politically, remained Schläpfer since then, the topics of Kesb and social assistance loyalty. She is committed to the Initiative to the power limitation of the Kesb and is in a SVP working group, which wants to reduce social aid in new cases. In the national elections held in the autumn, she will compete as a Previous expected to be on the top of the list 12. To defend their mandate, will hart, says Schläpfer. The SVP is in the form of deep, it is the seat of losses. The Eritrean family will not help her re-election. She moved away at the end of 2016 from Hagen book. The Tax rate has since been lowered. (Editorial Tamedia)
Created: 27.03.2019, 15:46 PM