Sommarvärden and actor Shima Niavarani, says that she suffers from severe stage fright, and often working with emergency thoughts before she had to be up on the stage.

She remembers a time when she is before a show is in the backstage bathroom, three flights of stairs up, and the kaskadkräks.

” It would be the height of my career. I have a kaskadkräk that seems to be going in slow motion, while I can hear the organizer of the festival, which for my soloshow is selected in the speaker. He will present my idea by loading up on hyllningscitat the face of that, I am now going to stand up and make it. And I see that, as long as I’m three floors up in the building, sitting up on his knees, bent over a toilet, despite the fact that I’m supposed to be looking at the scene.

On the way down to the stage to continue katastroftankarna, and a quarter of an hour into the show, the first major number – one swingversion of Nirvana’s song ”Smells like teen spirit”.

However, the song does not sound any longer in my mind, that is, the audience can hear it. In my mind, it’s a ballad and in no way will I sing it as if I was suffering from. ”the Rolls for a continuous katastroffilm”

Shima Niavarani said to her just before this moment, brought the fear into his psyche and destroy the one she loves the most.

” I’ve spent my whole life getting good at it. I have missed birthdays, holidays, dates, and relationships, in order to be able to pay me for rehearsals during the daytime and shows at night. Non stop for the past ten years.

you are Now rolling with a constant katastroffilm in the middle of the head. The movie is draining to me. I understand that if a completely irrational fear of to bet a hold of me this way, and it became a type of violence that I impose on myself, it caused självsabotage, what that fear would be to be able to do if it was directed outward? As the weapons of mass destruction that could be be.

”It’s not fair”
Shima Niavarani said to the man, they are a threat that doesn’t really exist. She is there in the movie, ”Jaws”, which is after the got the americans to the list of sharks in their top-ten list of greatest fears.

” not to mention the fear of flying, it rocks a little bit on the vindvågorna, and you’re thinking of the ”potential event of unexpected air turbulence due to a problem with the system that you have seen all the disaster movies.

Niavarani goes on to say that we do not really need to fear is the lack of ”critical thinking” and ”over-respect for hierarchies.

” One of the factors contributing to the rice markets in portugal, is that they do not dare to say to the förstepiloten to the discovery of something wrong. However, it won’t help you if you have already started to think about who you are in the tv series ”Lost”.

” It’s not fair, but it feels that way, even if there is evidence to the contrary. However, there are so svårbotligt that you need to hear, over and over again that this is not the case. That is, for example, from the rational to the best friend in the world.

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