The shutdown in the United States, which temporarily has come to an end, would the U.s. economy at least $ 6 billion (5.3 billion euros) cost. That has S&P Global Ratings calculated. The shutdown would cost more than the limes wall of Trump, which is the direct reason for that shutdown.

Trump signed Friday a bill to allow a temporary end to the longest shutdown of U.s. history. By the agreement, the 800,000 government employees back to work and be paid. The American administrations for at least three weeks, until 15 February, re-open.

also Read Trump makes tentative end to the shutdown, but threatens with new measures if his wall does not get

Reason for the shutdown was the refusal of the Democrats to $ 5.7 billion for the limes wall, which Trump, on the border with Mexico wants to build. The funding of the wall is not included in the agreement of last week.