Style is this week, exactly six years ago since the collapse of the Bangladeshi Rana Plaza factory. The kledingfabrieken are now safer than in 2013, but the degrading conditions in which the textile workers live and work are still (long) has not disappeared. And also the environmental impact is still too great in the fashion industry. Like every year, therefore, from 22 to 28 april 2019, the international campaign on Fashion Revolution place. So do you wish to contribute.

The fashion industry may be increasingly under the microscope, human rights violations, environmental degradation and gender inequality remain rife. Research shows that the apparel industry worldwide is still one of the largest industries is that products that come into contact with modern slavery. In addition, sexual abuse, discrimination and violence against women is still very common. The textile industry emits 1.2 billion tons of CO2. That is more than all the international flights and shipping together. There will be 53 million tons of textile fibres produced per year for clothes and textiles to create of which 73% eventually to a landfill or burned.

Carry Somers, co-founder of Fashion Revolution and global operations director: “Every time we buy something, or transfer or dispose of clothing, we bring an impact on the environment and on the kledingarbeider that the clothing, of which the majority are women. There is, therefore, more urgent than ever before, a positive change is needed to the climate change and to create a more equitable future for everyone to create.”

Chloe Mikolajczak, coordinator of Fashion Revolution Belgium: “more and more consumers are mobilizing their consumptiegewoontes to change, but that is not enough. We want and need to grow and advocate for a radical change in brands as regards their production methods. In addition, we need the policy shake-up around these challenges. It does not say that when the production is in another country is that we have our hands should withdraw in regards to the impact on humans and the environment.”

Therefore, again, for the sixth year in a row, the Fashion Revolution Week, on the day that Rana Plaza collapsed in Bangladesh on 24 april 2013. This came 1.138 kledingarbeiders to life. Worldwide, there will be more than 1,000 events will take place in approximately 100 countries with a variety of activities; ranging from fashion shows, the sale of second-hand clothing, documentary screenings, panel discussions,… to creative workshops and repair-cafes.

What you can do to make a difference?

– take A photo where you label shows the brand on social media to tag and ask them to #whomademycothes.

To a brand of clothing and write them asking for more transparency and to focus to a livable wage to pay.

Durable buy: choose an item of clothing is a sustainable clothing brand, or buy at a thrift or vintage shop.

The Fashion Transparency Index, this index assesses approximately 100 fashion brands and retailers with a turnover of more than $ 1.2 trillion and ranks them in terms of transparency.