the British get the passport thoroughly written, in an interview with Heidi Nordby Lunde on the british TV channel Channel 4.

I’m skeptical to let the united Kingdom come into THE family, ” says Lunde to the channel. Then she compares it with let a boorish partner in a juleselskap tamper with the drinks – and then think that it’s going to go well.

Or that she literally says: “But on the other hand, I’m sceptic to let the UK into the THE family because it’s kind of like having an abusive partner spiking the drinks and inviting to a Christmas party”.

Even though the expression she uses, “spiking the drinks”, also can mean to have dope in the drinks, she will even at any time translate it to “jazz them up”.

Evokes reactions

– It will distort the balance between the EFTA-countries, and distort the balance between the us and the EU, and it is not in Norway’s interest, ” says Lunde to Channel 4, to let the united Kingdom come into THE family.

she explains, among other things, this way:

I think you would have messed up for us, so you messed up for yourself.

Nordby Lunde come with a similar message in an article in The Guardian, in which she describes “to invite the full the uncle in juleselskap and bet that it will go well.”

Nordby Lundes statements have also not unnoticed. Only the video Channel 4 has posted on Twitter is seen over a million times, and The Guardian article has been shared 3000 times.

– The most interesting here is that Heidi actually is a conservative member of parliament. It says a bit about how “exceptional” our conservative is, writes Twitter user Dick Winchester about Lundes rejection.

– This shows just how “attractive” our government is, writes another briton.

– Forrykker balance Facing the Newspaper adds Nordby Lunde it this way:

– I’m worried that we get with a country that is much larger than the other three countries in the EEA. It does something with the balance between countries, ” says Lunde, who by the side of the job as member of parliament for the Right is the leader in the european movement.

She explains that she is afraid that the british can lay down a veto on areas that mean a lot for Norway, and that, for example, may affect the Norwegian export of fish.

Brexit-drama on skilsmissedagen: – added secret Norway-plan in the twelfth hour Disagree with Erna?

Thus, she is seemingly on a collision course with his partifelle prime minister Erna Solberg, who in may opened the EEA-door for the united Kingdom and a few days ago, said that the british are welcome in the EFTA.

In addition to Norway Liechtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland in EFTA. The three former are also members of the EEA-agreement, while Switzerland has a custom-made arrangement.

Even though the atlantic Puffin in the interview with Channel 4 says that the balance of THE will forrykkes by get the united Kingdom, and that it is not in Norway’s interest, moderate she this when Dagbladet asks if she and the prime minister is on a collision course.

“They must be happy in EFTA, without that I can see the advantage for them of it,” writes Lunde.

She think that she and the prime minister “is really quite agree”.

“they Shall enter in the EEA I assume that the prime minister assumes that they don’t destroy for Norway’s interests by putting the parts of the agreement out of the game through the veto, as they already threaten to do”, she writes.

Solberg opens EEA-door for the united Kingdom In klinsj with No to the EUROPEAN union

Regardless of do not think Puffin that Britain has any interest that comes with the EEA – the EUROPEAN court of justice, EU regulations and immigration from the EU.

Moreover, she believes that the EEA will prevent the british in creating their own free trade agreements without Liechtenstein, and Iceland’s approval.

all in All think she is not there is any danger that the british are with.

I can’t see that the EEA agreement could be relevant for them. They get everything that they voted against, ” says Lunde to the Newspaper.

No to the EU does not see many benefits at the EEA-agreement – which they will have the Uk out of the. With THE seems on the other hand the No to the Eu chairman of the board Kathrine kleveland also that it is something else.

WILL INVITE the united KINGDOM: – Norway should be more proactive and invite the Uk in EFTA, believes the chairman of the board in the No to the EUROPEAN union, Kathrine kleveland also. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB scanpix Show more

She, as usual, is on a collision course with Europabevegelsens leader, and wants the british welcome to the.

– No to the EU has constantly lifted up the EFTA as an alternative, and that Norway should be more proactive and invite the Uk in EFTA, says kleveland also, which is also landsstyremedlem in the centre party.

– Naive

She says that the united Kingdom is tremendously important, because the country accounts for 25 per cent of the English trade with the EUROPEAN union, and is not afraid that the balance of the EFTA shall be destroyed.

You despise girls that behave like me Debate

– the EFTA is a free trade agreement, the dealer agreements without being subject to a union, says kleveland also.

That many in the landbruksorganisasjonene are afraid of the consequences by getting the british, she believes is misunderstood:

– Policy in the vast majority of EFTA-countries is held outside the EFTA, and the countries agreements on trade with agricultural products on a bilateral, says kleveland also.

Heidi Nordby Lunde think it is naive of the No to the EUROPEAN union and many in the center party to welcome the british with which THE contractual partner.

– If they think that the conservative government in the Uk will promote the Centre party’s interests, it is a bit naive, ” says Lunde.

it says Kathrine kleveland also that the united Kingdom and Norway have cooperated closely for many years and that Britain in his time was with the and start THE.

– This does not apply to the Centre party’s interests, but Norway’s interests, says kleveland also.

Right-representative strongly against its own minister. Will not be a part of a “kvikklunsjspisende, salmesyngende and bunadskledd” political direction