Freeride zones, pop stars, and even a piste caterpillars-Ballet: in the face of falling during the winter sports resorts are struggling to pay hard to your audience.

By Dominik Prantl Dominik Prantl

Dominik Prantl, Born in 1977, discovered at school that he is in the journalism better than on the right wing of the football field. He Is today in the Travel section of the süddeutsche Zeitung responsible for the mountain and Skithemen. As a qualified economic geographer with a predilection for solitary and strange regions, such as southern Tanzania, the Abruzzi, or the Swabian Alb. To travel there, where it hurts. A year and a half spent, therefore, in the case of a tour operator in Kuala Lumpur, kicked on clay court in Ghana, and eat in kitchens in the street of the third world. Feels crowded mountains personally offended.


The Winter seemed to be still off in the distance, as he cast his shadow already. And how! In the case of more than 20 degrees Celsius, the mountain opened Kitzbühel tracks on 13. October of this year, the ski season with two downhill slopes of the not even up to 1900 meters of rich rest height. The white swath had been leveled through the old snowpack from the Vorwinter, which had been preserved over the summer for this purpose in the huge vaults, in the otherwise brown and green landscape. Environmentalists reacted in horror, in social media Followers and Fans, and the enemies of the skiing world debated heatedly over the 1.6 kilometres rolled snow yesterday, while marketing experts are probably busy today with the ad to calculate the value of the rather grotesque-looking action.

had driven the kitzbühel winter – maker is basically just a development on the top, which is in Austria and especially in Tirol – been going on for years. This development has something to do with the ski resorts slowly the guests go out. Several studies, such as the annual surveys of the business consultant Laurent Vanat determine a decline or at least Stagnation in skier numbers in Central Europe. The harder the competitive struggle for the remainder of the nacelle and the guests.

modernization and ski resort expansions are a possibility, to put even more charms. Only thugs on the Trail and piste waltzes of the ski industry and space programmes, and environmental assessment set process limits; although these are often accepted only reluctantly, and always Soften them are threatened. Fortunately, there are other Tricks, the skiing without permits and construction work to extend, spatially and temporally, in all directions.

freeride means a de facto expansion of the ski area

The spatial extent of runs in the Jargon of the winter sports, the term “freeriding”. Including is to be understood in a broader sense, the skiing in groomed terrain beyond the Slope limits. There used to be, is in demand today due to better materials and the larger ambition of many skiers, however. For all who want to earn with the skiing of money, this is a very enjoyable and therefore are also quite active in advancing this development. Unlike, for example, is the classic ski touring freeriders solves a lift ticket. At the same time he needs except for expensive sports equipment, a more expensive safety equipment to be able to ride into the potentially avalanche-prone terrain is the responsibility of the slopes to escape. Basically, it is, therefore, to some extent, an informal ski area expansion.

more Complex and challenging is the temporal extent. Already at the end of the day, Casinovale there are hardly any limits. In any case, the usual piste operating is no longer enough for between half nine and half-past five, apparently, a long time ago. In the morning start – lures before the official Lift of course against a hefty fee for so-called VIP-guests – early bird package called the “Early Bird”, “Ski ‘n’ Brunch” or “Skikeriki”. And who has not after the end of operation is still enough may wag at the end of the day when the full moon skiing, flood light or even the torch long-running process. The often, nose in the air, as described Après-Ski is just a small part of the range of ski resorts.

Really to it is made during the Prolong of the season. Because now is the season to be irritating, despite a lack of snow so heavily that only insiders know where and when the beginning and the end. The Start – see the rest of the amount – also to the front is laid, if the summer has not yet adopted a long time ago-like, in spite of an early spring in the length pulled. The Alps are not staged, but optimized, as it was a matter of the last Cent out of you to squeeze.

Any amount of attractions to debut and end

it just needs to debut and the end of winter in many places, any amount of flavor enhancer to the appetite of the guests on skiing. So Jason Derulo performed recently, for example, to the now obligatory season opening concert on the Idalp in Ischgl. Jason Derulo has to do with the Alps, although approximately as much as an Alligator from the Everglades, but somehow this is, again, honestly, because this is also true for most of the skiers in Ischgl. In addition, Ischgl is allowed to claim almost anything like a copyright on those concert culture, the times in the ski areas beyond the shock almost across the Board wide: Wanda comes on Saturday to Obertauern, Saalbach promises only a week later, a mountain festival with Fine cream fish fillet and Seiler spear, while the attracts highly-pointer with the gunslinger. Those who don’t invest as Galtür quite as much money, perhaps only to Radio Ramasuri in the program.


US singer Jason Derulo opened the ski season in Ischgl

The Austrian resort of Ischgl is popular not only with skiers, but also international pop stars are here every year on the stage at 2,300 meters altitude. The ski season 2018/19 provides some Surprises.

The live act is, of course, only one lock means. There are oktoberfests and sports article-test days to the kick-off or Full-Metal – Electric-Mountain-festival at the end of the season. In Mayrhofen, a sports event called “Rise and fall shorten” the Wait for an already profitable Christmas season, while the season-ending race as the “White thrill” in St. Anton or “the White Ring” in Lech almost nostalgic character. And who wants to watch a dance of the snow groomers can visit in April, in Sölden, the glacier spectacle called Hannibal to 3000 meters.

Kitzbühel, has the story, with the slopes in the Green, perhaps a sequel. The mountain Railways, a penalty of a maximum of 14 600 Euro threatens, because the nature reserve lacked legal authorisation for the snow depot. For 000 trips were counted on the residual height of 90 within the first six weeks.