Michael Skråmo, and his wife, Amanda, Gonzales – According to Galvez, the daughter – traveled from Gothenburg, sweden, Syria, with her children, in the spring of 2014. The plug-in to the member IS.

the Couple had seven children together, and both of her parents lost their lives in the ICE of the last stronghold of the Baghuz in the us.

the Following IS a case where the orphans are left in north-east Syria, in the refugee camp, Al-Hol.

According to Galvez came in to try and get to the home of his granddaughter, and he was indeed successful. At first, he was able to move them to Erbil, in the kurdish part of Iraq. On the 15th of may he landed, and the kids are at the international airport.

it’s been a little over a year ago, the children came to Sweden with her grandfather.
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a television News report tells us, With Galvez on the seven of their grandchildren’s lives. He says that he has been in regular contact with them.

” the Kids are spread out in different families. They are given all the love and care that they need, ” he said in the report.

He says that they don’t talk about what happened, but are kept busy by their kids.

” and Now they have it so incredibly good. They run, they play. Somewhere, I think, is that they want to forget the past. It is a call, I am going to be taking the latter with them.

He said in the interview about his first encounter with the young boy who was one year old at the time. The boy was sick, and lean, and gnydde only when, According to Galvez, and lifted him up.

” today he is a healthy, round-cheeked, he is, and he has started saying his first words. A wonderful baby boy.
TV: One year ago, Skråmobarnen landed in the middle of Sweden. READ MORE: Skråmos a child was found in the War – a grandfather has hit in all seven of the camp. READ MORE: Son IS-was scheduled to be Michael Skråmo be shot. READ MORE: Skråmo-the children’s maternal grandfather: ”They’re traumatized”7 out of 10, the sun visor is not holding what it promises – to see the full list of , Only three of the creams approved by the Fda: ”It can lead to severe repercussions.”

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