Erich Hess (SVP) is the Second Vice-President of the Berne city Council. The city Parliament has elected with 51 of the 72 valid votes of his party colleagues Kurt Rüegsegger. The SVP-group is proposed by Erich Hess, but the majority on the Council wanted to know nothing.

In a secret ballot they gave Hess’ party colleague Kurt Rüegsegger preference. Rüegsegger got 51 votes, Hess just 21. Those who had voted, remained unclear. Only the Free fraction had not spoken out openly against Hess come due to racist and sexist Remarks as “the highest of the Bernese” in question.

The mid-fractions GLP and BDP/CVP wanted to give Hess at least a Chance as the second Deputy. The FDP had decided to vote share. The group SP/JUSO, GFL/EPP and GB/not expressed prior to the secret ballot and ended up being a real surprise coup.

Rüegsegger has accepted the election. “It is the Practice that, in the elections to the city Council Presidium of the party’s proposed candidate is elected. Nevertheless, I accept the choice,” he said.

rebuke by the group chief

Erich Hess, the announcement of the election results, accepted stoically. But in the Video Interview, he was upset:” The other parties to the SVP of a wipe. They did not want to choose someone who represents a clear SVP-profile.” The decision of his party colleague Kurt Rüegsegger, accept the choice, disappointed him: “Kurt Rüegsegger allowed the other parties to clamp it, what is not, in my view, very collegial to the party. Especially when he knows that he has had within the group will not support,” he said.

pushed open sour it is Hess, especially the fact that the FDP vote share, has decided: “As to the question of whether you should go SVP with such a Partner that does not support our party in the next elections. We will need to open this discussion for sure.”

SVP-group head Alexander Feuz had unsuccessfully campaigned for the official candidates. “Erich Hess know that he carries as President of a hat because as a parliamentarian,” said Feuz. He was proactive and enthusiastic – “and we know it all: Hard shell, soft core.”

After the election, Feuz practiced harsh criticism of Rüegsegger. That he had accepted the choice, don’t be “loyal”. He’s not “but I will take the torture of iron,” said Feuz in an interview with the news Agency Keystone-SDA. It was the voters, to speak, to 2020 the judgment.

Philip Kohli will be the new President of the municipal Council

Silently, on the stage, the choice of the 27-year-old lawyers Philip Kohli “to the highest Berner was gone”. The BDP-politician is the youngest of the Bernese city Council, President of the history. The Parliament elected him on Thursday unanimously into office, which will be awarded on an annual basis. The lawyer is a member of the city Council for seven years. His mother, Vania Kohli, the “highest Town from Berne was in 2011,” and now is part of the Great Council.

2020 is expected to hold Barbara Nyffeler (SP), the office. Your group proposed on Thursday as first Vice-President. The SVP would like to, in turn, can Erich Hess for the second Vice-President. Not all councillors to trust him, but that the office of the “highest Berners” 2021 adequately.

The election of the second Vice President will be made at the request of some city Council members in secret, as the outgoing President, Regula Bühlmann (GB), city Council announced at the beginning of the session. (day/flo/sda) (sda)

Created: 17.01.2019, 19:20 Uhr