According to a survey, a narrow majority of women in Germany are against everyone being allowed to go to the swimming pool without a top. 55 percent of the women surveyed spoke out against it – 56 percent of the men were in favor, the magazine “Focus” reported on Saturday. Overall, 47 percent approved of topless swimming, while 44 percent opposed it.

The differences were therefore partly due to political preferences. At 69 percent, most supporters are found among those who are close to the Greens. Supporters of the Union are more against it. Here, 57 percent would have spoken out against allowing everyone to swim without a top.

A few days ago, for example, the bathing establishments in Berlin and Cologne announced that in future all genders would be able to bathe shirtless.

The opinion research institute “Kantar” interviewed a total of 1002 people for the survey.