– It should probably to a hefty rate hike from the Riksbank before the big banks give us some interest, ” says Christina Söderberg, sparekonom on jämförelsesajten Compricer.

The negative repo rate means that banks have a cost to take care of depositors ‘ money, according to several economists.

at the same time serving the banks many billions of Swedish kronor on the mortgage loans in each quarter, and were quick to push up interest rates after the Riksbank’s rate hike, which may stand in the eyes of the customers.

” We acknowledge that the banks raise mortgage rates. Then you think that it is even worse that we don’t get any interest on the savings account, ” says Christina Soderberg.

therefore see an opportunity to pick the customers from the major banks, according to her. Several so-called nischbanker have recently raised their interest rates on savings, and Christina Söderberg think more will follow after.

today, can savers find the accounts, which are covered by the state deposit guarantee, with unlimited free withdrawals, which has a sparränta of 0.90–0.95 percent.

With an interest rate of 0.95% gives a saving of sek 50,000 to an annual return of sek 475.

– It is not about any whopping rate of interest, but it is still a cent, ” says Christina Soderberg.

on the accounts with low interest rates. In total, there were more than 1.800 billion on ordinary deposit accounts at the end of the third quarter of last year, according to Statistics sweden (SCB). Nettoinsättningarna on such accounts amounted to sek 29 billion during the quarter.

There is no reason to let the money be in an account with zero interest rate, according to Sharon Lavie, familjeekonom at Ikano Bank. And her tip is to choose an account with a variable interest rate.

– It is mostly for your own sake so that you have the ability to switch again if any other actor pops up with a even better offer, ” says Sharon Lavie.

a certain amount of time with a fixed interest rate can sometimes give a bit higher interest rate, but an early withdrawal can cost, sometimes the whole of the interest.

– Count of what it provides for the difference if you have a fixed or variable rate. Is the difference just a few bucks, one can just as well be variable, ” says Sharon Lavie.

There are savings accounts with interest rates of several per cent, but then, it is about accounts that are not covered by the state deposit guarantee. To choose such an account is risky according to Christina Soderberg.

It is also good to be aware that deposit insurance applies per person and per institution.

– if you Have very much money, you can split it up on multiple accounts, ” says Christina Soderberg.

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