“SMHI extends snövarning:”

“the severe weather conditions that pulls in over Sweden are stronger than previous forecasts showed. SMHI has issued new warnings for snowfall in the inner Dalsland and Värmland.”

“– New projections show that it will be a little worse than expected in these areas, ” says Henry Reimer at the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute.”

“During the afternoon and evening is expected to snow in large parts of Götaland and Svealand. The most rainfall is expected in western Sweden where the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute issued a class 1 warning in Halland county and in almost the whole of the Västra Götaland county. On Monday morning, extended the warnings to include internal Dalsland and Värmland.”

“– According to the previous forecasts were these areas during varningskriteriet, but now they have come across. It looks to be a bit more snowfall than previous forecasts showed, ” says Henry Reimer, meteorologist at the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute.”

“In the afternoon and the evening intensified, the snow and upwards of 10 to 15 centimetres could fall in those areas where warnings are issued.”

“– It can be slippery and problematic on the roads, ” says Henry Reimer.”

“Hundreds of cancellations”

“at the same time drawn to trains and flights still with significant delays after the severe weather conditions that crippled parts of the country during the weekend.”

“More than one third departure – 260 flights of 606 to and from the airport – was, according to Swedavia check in on Sunday, and the delays stretched back to in on Monday afternoon. Swedavia is now ready with extra resources in order to be able to tackle the new to the severe weather conditions.”

” We follow the development and prepare with staffing and resources as much as we can. The problem is that it is not possible to start snöröja before the snow comes, ” says Ulrika Fager at Swedavia’s press office.”

“the Problem with the bus and train”

“SJ invites all who are going to travel by train during the Monday to keep themselves well updated via their website.”

“– We have both the train and the personnel who are in the wrong places then gårdagsnatten. This means that we have a problem today with cancellations and delays on certain routes, ” says Stephan Ray, press officer at SJ.”

“In the county of Stockholm, it was on Monday morning big problems in both bus – commuter train services. On the Line was all the traffic entering in the morning after the train brakes do not work as well as they would in the cold.”

“We are working hard, but you should probably assume that the disturbances propagate in the afternoon,” says Claes Keisu, press officer at SL.”

“For road transport there have been no major disturbances or incidents reported, according to the Swedish transport administration. But road users are urged to take care on the roads.”

“– It is slippery, so think about it. It is important to take the time and adjust the distances, ” says Pär Aronsson at the Swedish transport administration’s press office.”

“Corrected: In an earlier version of this text was reported to the wrong authority.”

“In the Västra Götaland region, warns the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute for the snowfall in the inner Dalsland, Bohuslän, Gothenburg, Sjuhäradsbygden and southwest of lake Vänern. A warning is also issued in Halland and Värmland county.”