When is go in, smoking understanding, and just to remind you how a little wet christmas party can end, so we have gathered the latest christmas party-memories from the nation! commons.


See also: How to become the lighthouse for your christmas


See also: Christmas party: Two percent ‘maybe’ unfaithful

The first story in the comments section comes from Henry H.:

We were in Las Vegas just before christmas and kept one hell of a wrap party… A number of drank so sanseløse rigid, that it was difficult for them to get up on time the next morning and reach their aircraft.. There were many funny episodes with more or less dressed people and half-drunk people staggered out to a taxi to catch a flight. There was also one that was so bagstiv that he did not woke up..so he had to book a day later…then the smoke, he entered into the blizzard in London last year. and hung in London in 4 days..:–D

peer j. r memories are of the little more sad kind of – for his site has now cancelled the christmas party were:

– A company I worked at had a tradition to hold a christmas party for the entire company… just until it all ended in scuffles with police and hundepatrulje ( 3 times they came) so it was made to juletræsarrangement for employees ‘ children

See also: Christmas party is dangerous – even for the boss

Michael P.’s contribution is of the something more scandalous kind. But if we are to believe him, so he kept himself on the mat:

– I had the ‘pleasure’ to work in a fødevareselskab at a time. The christmas party, gave one of the secretaries to get drunk backwards out of the registry office.

At last she threw herself on a table, down smoke the pants and then she said otherwise, go ahead. Not particularly attractive she was and that reached right to skip a 5-6 pieces on her before her man picked her… And no, I was not one of them…

But what about you? What is your worst – or best – christmas party story?

also Read the classic:

the nation – 12. dec. 2008 – kl. 15:46 Christmas party: Bollede then the floor burst