Leuven has years is the fodder for discussion, but if it is Ben Weyts (N-VA) depends is there a train station at the junction Haasrode. “So there would be many cars from the traffic disappear,” says the Flemish minister of Mobility and Public Works. The SNCB is not averse to the plans, but can the ski pass at the earliest in 2023 after studies a reality.
the results of the elections of 26 may in the wings, let the Flemish minister Weyts again a balloon at a train station in Haasrode. “It could ensure that there will be more cars out of the traffic jams disappear, and that would be a progress for the verkeersmobiliteit in the near” said Weyts. “I think that we with all parties and their lijsttrekkers behind this point should be scissors. N-VA get not in the next government if there is no station in Haasrode.”