When the coast guard board the “Alexander”, dropship to snøkrabbeflåten with base in Swansea, in December 2015, had the boat flag from St. Kitts and Nevis.

There is a so-called flags of convenience, where skipseier select a national register without connection to the land. The background may be lower taxes, fewer demands and/or little access.

St. Kitts and Nevis-the registry is blacklisted, with the “medium high risk”, by the united nations maritime organization, the Paris MOU.

the Ranking is based on how often the check of the flag ships has led to the arrest.

the Newspaper has a long article featured snøkrabbeskipet, where in December 2015 was found two indonesiere who lived in a lagerskur on the deck under such deplorable conditions that they were hjemsendt.

Read the full story here!

Poor condition

the’s havnestatskontroll ended with 27 toppings, in which seven provided the basis for seilingsnekt.

Fundamental breach of brannsikkerhetsregler and security, among other things, with the rescue boat that didn’t work, led to several weeks of detention in Haugesund in 2015.

the Year after the ship was taken in arrest in Amsterdam. When it was found seven missing, six of them so severe that they provided the basis for seilingsnekt.

register of ships “Alexander” was registered in, is not located in the caribbean island state of St. Kitts and Nevis. It is located in the outskirts of London, in Proud to the Nielsen House in Essex, and is driven by private actors on behalf of the island state.

“Alexander” has since wandered on to other flaggstater with bad reputation. In February 2018 replace “Alexander” flag of Belize, a small country in central America.

Also this is called a flags of convenience.

Belize has the same rating as St. Kitts and Nevis at the Un maritime organization.

Even worse in Togo

After only two months in Belize’s register of ships earlier in the year was “Alexander” again omflagget.

From in our has the ship sailed under the flags of Togo. It togolesiske the register of ships has certainly bunnrating on the blacklist of the united nations with “very high risk”.

Krabbekrigen Dagbladet has in a series of articles uncovered the widespread social dumping and possible human trafficking and in Latvian, Lithuanian and Russian boats that came to Norway to fish snøkrabbe. Many norwegians have earned good money in the business, based on slavekontrakter in conflict with the Eu’s minimum requirements. Read all the stuff here!

By the last lookup in the Lloyds List, just before christmas, is also “Togo” abandoned. “Alexander” is now listed there with the “unknown flag”.

Before the cycle of the re-flagging took the speed was “Alexander” rigged “the tuna long liner” under the south Korean flag (on white list), and sailed under the name “Dong Won 217” until the end of 2013.

Snøkrabbe sisters “Alexander” is the dropship and the sister ship of vessels “Kalmar”, “Memele”, “Dubna” and “Valka”.

The four “sisters”, all of which have the Latvian flag, was snøkrabbeskip that operated with base in Swansea in 2014-2016.

the Owner of the boats are the Latvian company Baltjura-serviss. It again is owned by the Russian lawyer Maksim Chan. According to Lloyds List was Alexander the last in Swansea 2. February of this year.

Owners hidden in the tax haven

Transportskipet “Alexander” has ownership well hidden in several tax havens. The company Portlink Services in Panama, allegedly with branches also in hong Kong and Russia, was listed in the ship register as the owner of “Alexander” when the boat in December 2015 were stopped by the coast guard in the Boknafjorden at Haugesund for inspection.

Shock report from the snøkrabbeflåten in Norwegian waters: Sailors stowed in lagerskur on deck

at the same time as the Portlink Services formally provided that the owner of the ship, enter the association of six krabbeselskaper in Russia, under the common name Polar Group, that “Alexander” is owned by the Latvian company Baltjura-serviss.

This company is again owned by the Lithuanian postboksselskapet Turijanus, which in turn is owned by the Russian lawyer Maksim Chan in Vladivostok.

Read all the articles about snøkrabbeflåten here!

So was the ship listed as Baltjura-serviss-boat until the Newspaper began to write about snøkrabbeskipene in the Barents sea.

New prints from the ship registers show, however, that “Alexander” is now listed with a staffing agency Making the Management of the Seychelles as the owner.

– I am overwhelmed by how large the Norwegian hearts are

(and any home to Russian and Ukrainian sailors, who worked on board in 2015, was Making the Management of the employer, while Baltjura-serviss is listed as the owner of the boat.

In some of the contracts are Baltjura-serviss overstrøket with the pen, and replace with “Portlink services” in handwriting.

Much to suggest that it is the same people who are behind all the cryptic companies.

Baltjura-serviss the Latvian military spokesman claimed on Latvian TV that two Russian nationals, is behind this company, but will not disclose your name.

despite the fact that it is on paper only Russian lawyer Chan who owns the company.

Havnesjefen is co-owner of the krabbeagenten that is mentioned in the slavekontraktene Skipsagent “in the war”

When the wind blows the storm with kontrollmyndighetene however, skipsagentene sent “in the war”.

The Danish skipsagenten Theo Gilbert Andriarimalala, with the company Hopinor in Hirtshals, represented the owner during the check in Haugesund.

Russian-speaking Andriarimalala, originally from Madagascar, is interviewed by Danish TV2 in norway on assignment from the Newspaper.

He affirms to have been the agent for “Alexander”-the owners, but will not specify the persons who are behind the companies, or establish contact with them.

the Agent says he helped the indonesian sailors that come by plane from Oslo to Northern Norway, when they for two-three years ago were out on the ship.

It happened via telephone and the pc from Hirtshals to immigrasjonsmyndighetene in Norway, ” he explains. He state that he no longer is the agent for “Alexander”-the owners. Confronted with indonesiernes working conditions, he says that it is completely unknown to him.

He calls it “startling” and “not human”.

They traveled to Norway to work – ended in an icy grave Dagbladet Plus