kilometers-long traffic jams, blocked roads, school failures: The massive snowfall paralyses parts of southern Bavaria and Austria. Some Bavarian communities are cut off from the outside world.

The weather in Bavaria and Austria is in many places an ever-greater threat. In the case of Berchtesgaden, around 350 people are stuck and have to be supplied by trucks with food. The only road to the book height in the vicinity of the upper salt mountain was closed until further notice, said a spokesman for the district office. The morning had been started to clear the tracks.

Several trees threatened under the heavy snow load to topple and should be like. Only emergency personnel were able to reach the snowed-dwellers across the street. Also, the people in Jachenau are in need of food supplies, because the access road is locked. Residents and rescue workers can reach the village through a small forest road.

Both big parts of Austria as well as Bavaria other part of heavy snow falls are expected. The authorities, therefore, expect that more roads need to be blocked.