Almost every tenth dane does not exclude that they can find to take on summer vacation to one of the countries that the foreign office otherwise advises against travel to.

It shows a measurement, as Kantar Gallup has made for the insurance companies Gjensidige Insurance and Gouda travel Insurance.

the Measurement is conducted among 1001 representatively selected persons over 18 years of age.

Nine percent respond that they in the course of the summer of 2020 may well find to travel to a country, which the Ministry of foreign affairs of the fear of infection with the coronavirus discourage non-necessary travel.

For six percent, however, it is only countries within the EU, they can find to travel to.

advice to travelers from the Ministry of foreign affairs is – as the name suggests – just guides. It is not mean that you as a dane are not allowed to travel to the countries, the manuals are concerned.

advice to travelers may, however, have an effect on whether travel insurance covers.

From the 15. June Danish tourists travel to Germany, Iceland and Norway, without that one must go in the 14-day quarantine, when one returns. All other countries are advised danes still not to travel to.

Conversely, residents in the three countries also travel to Denmark from the 15. June, if they can demonstrate that they have booked accommodation for a minimum of six days in Denmark.

the EUROPEAN Commission has recommended that all EU countries will open the borders from Monday.

The recommendation is being followed in many EU countries, but not in Denmark, where the government maintains a more restrictive line.

the Government is also under pressure from the parties in Parliament, which wants to grænserestriktionerne will be eased further.

the Left do not understand the logic behind the prudent grænseåbning, and The Radicals believe that Denmark can safely follow the EU Commission’s recommendation.

Also the Danish people’s Party and the New Civil talking about further grænseåbning and calls for new travel advice.