2014 was Pia Jensen påkørt from behind and sustained a whiplash in the neck, which has had a large impact on her.

She has daily pain and can’t work full time, and her dream home has turned into somewhat of a nightmare for her.

Pia Jensen lives on an abandoned mill in the town of Egtved, as she is due to economic and health consequences of the accident for years have tried to get rid of.

The unsuccessful sale of her beloved home has been Pia Jensen to sign up for the DR program ‘In the house for the throat’, and in the night be able to tv viewers see boligdesigner Søren Vester give the mill a proper trip.

the Programme’s real estate agent, Line Franck, downgraded the price to a more realistic one. Yet the mill is still not sold here-a-half years after the tv filming.

– No, unfortunately not, says Pia Jensen to Ekstra Bladet.

– I live here still, but I’m thinking all the time, that it must be sold just for a little, she says.

There have been 15 showings since the mill was shinet up.

– It is very hard, for I must all the time clean, so it is nice for the potential buyers. It is the hope, feeling, and so it is until now ended up in røvtur, says Pia Jensen.

the Mill is for sale for 1.245.000 crowns. Photo: Trine Kjøller
It is a real estate agent Trine Kjøller, who is trying to get Pia Jensen’s mill sold, and she is optimistic.

– There is a really nice activity, and I estimate that we are about to be in goal with the sale. It is the spring, and it is now, there is a great time of things. And it’s also wild to sell the property, says Trine Kjøller.

Until Pia Jensen gets sold the mill, she enjoys to live in his dream home, which was put in the capable of her friends and family under the guidance of Søren Vester.

– All the loose ends are gone, and it’s awesome, ” she says.

When the mill is sold, by Pia Jensen is not quite where she should stay.

– I would like to back east. I come from the north of Zealand, but if I just afford to live there, I don’t know. But in the east I would at least like to, she says.

in addition to getting sold the mill fighting Pia Larsen also with an action for damages after the accident in 2014, that has changed her life completely.