Gent Mathias De Clercq and Bart Somers, two liberal mayors, one from Ghent and the other of Mechelen. They can do it perfectly with each other, but not if it is about football. On 1 may cross their cities to battle for the Cup of Belgium. Both of them are convinced of profit. “Mathias is still new mayor, a trophy you should get in the end”, winks Somers. Ghent Mayor Somers, you are not a fanatical football supporter as mayor De Clercq.

S: “No, that’s right. Mathias is a supporter in heart and soul. I love, of course, of my club, and I know how important that team for our city. We have a heavy and large supportersclan, everyone seems to be involved. Whether they’re in third or in first play, there is always hard called in the stands. If I go look, I live also very nice. But ask me no names of players, which I do not know.”

DC: “It is true what Bart says. Mechelen is a fantastic club, I also always in my heart have worn. A lot less than the Gent of course, but still, it is a fascinating club. Gent – Mechelen is a beautiful poster for the Cup. A pity that Mechelen will not win (laughs).”

What is the biggest difference between the clubs?

S: “Mechelen is obviously much smaller than Gent, but our club is that therefore not. If Mechelen soccer, are all the tickets sold out immediately. Even in 1B we are playing for a full stadium. That stadium is really in the city, in the middle of a neighborhood. That stadium of Ghent, I have to admit, I certainly am jealous. I was once invited by the then mayor Termont for a meeting of the major cities. What a beautiful building.”

DC: “A true landmark, that’s it.” (Read more under the picture)