Now it is clear who takes over in the newly established Federal Council, which Department: Viola Amherd Minister of defence, Karin Keller-Sutter, Minister of justice, Guy Parmelin will change into the economic and educational Department, and Simonetta Sommaruga takes over the Detec Doris Leuthard. Ueli Maurer remains in the Department of Finance, Ignazio Cassis, in the Department of foreign Affairs and Alain Berset retains the Department of the Interior.

The major Reform in the area of asylum was completed, says Simonetta Sommaruga to their exchange from the Department of justice. You have followed in the past eight years, a number of exciting and tricky projects. It refers to socio-political concerns. “We have made it possible that homosexuals are allowed to adopt their step-children.” On the course of the marriage for all. You’ve done the work in the Department always like to, but “now is the right time to switch to”.

the Department of the environment, transport, energy and communications, they return to their political roots. In Parliament you have to study the Dossiers of the environment and energy. In the Detec much, in holding Switzerland. “The whole population should also in the future on an excellent infrastructure.” She is looking forward to in a new Department again to move something. Her predecessor, Doris Leuthard, have done a very good job. Sommaruga will be a Tesla on the road: “I take the official car of my predecessor”.

The Detec have at the top of stood on your list, says the new Minister of Infrastructure on the question of whether you do not want to change would be to the Department of Finance.

“Second-tier” Department

Guy Parmelin would like to thank his collaborators in the Department of defence, civil protection and Sport, where he stood for three years. He criticised the fact that the VBS is perceived as a second-rate Department. The discrediting of the excellent work going on there.

On the question of why he wanted to switch after three years, says Parmelin, it had now run for over 20 years, the same party, this Department, which is why a change is displayed.

The distribution of the departments in the new Federal Council to:

Federal Department of foreign Affairs ( EDA )
Federal councillor Ignazio Cassis Federal Department of the interior ( EDI )
Federal President, Alain Berset Federal Department of justice and police Department ( FDJP )
Federal councillor Karin Keller-Sutter Federal Department of defence, civil protection and sports (the VBS )
Federal councillor Viola Amherd Federal Department of Finance ( EVS )
Federal councillor Ueli Maurer
Federal Department of economic Affairs, education and research ( SCV )
Federal councillor Guy Parmelin
Federal Department of the environment, transport, energy and communications ( Detec )
Simonetta Sommaruga

In the Department of the environment, transport, energy and communications (Detec) wait for challenges such as CO2 reduction, energy transition, NUCLEAR power plant Decommissioning, the Gotthard road tunnel, self-driving cars, or digitizing media crisis.

In the Department of economic Affairs, education and research (eaer), are also major challenges. Parmelin is there for the accompanying measures, is responsible and plays a key role in the European policy. If the framework agreement is to have opportunities, you have to get the new Department chief of the social partners in the boat. For this he needs as much tact as the power to enforce.

waiting for the new Boss in the Department for the environment, transport, energy and communication (Detec): next year, the NUCLEAR power plant mühleberg from the grid. It is the first Swiss nuclear power plant is decommissioned. Leuthards successor or successors will accompany the Dismantling. In his or her term of office, the vote on radioactive waste could fall. In addition, the Swiss electricity market for Private and SMEs to be liberalised . If the EU agrees to once a current agreement, would be the market of the way for the Integration in the European electricity. The largest projects in the environmental area, the Revision of the CO2 act is currently. by 2030 is to halve the emissions of greenhouse gases compared to 1990. The necessary increase in the price of gasoline and fuel oil for the new Minister of the environment or the new environment Minister, a lot of hard political work. Challenges such as the introduction of the E-Vignette, the conversion of the post office network, the subsidy affair in post-car or the unresolved aircraft noise dispute with Germany. The media policy of the Federation is located in the Detec. In the area of the discussion is in progress on the content and scope of public Service , the new law on electronic media and the media is promoting.

waiting for the new chief of the Department of economic Affairs, education and research (eaer): Schneider-Ammann has not yet sent shortly before his resignation a proposal for the agricultural policy 2022 (AP22 ) in the consultation process. After that, a new head of Department or a new Department head, which should relax the procedure. The WBF also plays in the European policy an important role. There is located, for example, the labour market policy and thus the accompanying measures . These are regarded as the biggest hurdle to an agreement on a framework agreement For the EU, an adjustment of the accompanying measures is mandatory, for the trade unions, the protection of Wages is taboo. Only temporarily the Dossier of arms exports is unset . After years of commitment Schneider-Ammann in June should finally be allowed to have a majority for the easing of export regulations: war materials, under certain circumstances, in civil war countries can be exported. In the face of fierce opposition, the Federal Council gave the plans back in October. The new Department head or the new head of Department must also lead the negotiations on various free trade agreement more. The one with Indonesia Schneider-Ammann has not brought himself to completion, in Parliament, he is responsible for the solution. Finally, a loosening of the rules on stands at the Moment, maximum working hours and rest periods , and the obligation to time and attendance for discussion. A corresponding design of the stand ätlichen economic Commission is currently in the consultation process. (hvw/ij/sda)

Created: 10.12.2018, 12:02 PM