Copenhagen drivers get before long several different city cars to choose from.

After several years, where the cars from, primarily, BMW, Renault and Mini have bid to for those who have the need for a car here and now, is a new car manufacturer now on the way to Denmark. But it has in fact been here before.

BMW has decided to put his kørselstjeneste, DriveNow, together with Daimler’s rival Car2Go service, and it means that the cars from the latter group in the future will join with the black and white BMW and Mini models, which are already running around on the copenhagen roads.

It tells the Danish DriveNow-chief, Morten Jakobsen.

– the Change will not be felt in the morning, but in the longer term, will the merger mean that there will be Mercedes models in the Danish fleet, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

in Addition Mercedes-Benz is the Daimler group among the second behind the Smart brand, which specialises in small city cars. Despite the size advantages, however, it is not immediately Smart cars, DriveNow will bet on.

the Car2Go service has previously offered short-term rentals of just Smart in Copenhagen, and here may the service to eventually withdraw from Denmark due to lack of support.

– Smart has not been the best car to use on the Danish market. Here is the Mercedes-Benz A-class a better bid, as a counterpart to our 1-series, says Morten Jakobsen and stresses, to Smart cars, however, can come as electric cars at a time.

DriveNow currently have nearly 85,000 of customers and a little over 500 cars in the fleet in Denmark. With the merger change the service name to Share Now and, according to the service itself the largest supplier of urban vehicles in the world. Morten Jakobsen, yet will not put dates on anything, but the ambition is that the merger should make it possible to hit more locals than is the case today.

– My plans are to hit the more wide. We have not yet reached out to the modern family, who has chosen to be in Copenhagen and largely use the bike to drop off children and drive to work. They need a car once in a while, and might have a standing, which is only used at the weekend, he says, and adds:

– With several different cars we will be able to make it unnecessary for this type of family to have their own car.

DriveNow-the head is pointing itself in the Mercedes-Benz B-Class and GLA-Class as possible bid, that might entice more families to drop their private car.

Both the A-, B – and GLA-the models are available with gasoline or diesel engine, and although only benzinvarianterne the Danish service interest, are the models still have some from DriveNows starting point. Since the service in its in made its entry in Denmark with 400 copies of the electric powered BMW i3 model, but there is not posted up to introduce green cars from Daimler-group right away.

– It is perhaps a step backwards in anyone’s eyes, but we experience a huge demand for cars for longer trips. And after that we introduced the petrol-driven Mini – and BMW-models is the number of trips in the i3 model is still the same – actually slightly higher. The new cars will be used for some other types of tours, says Morten Jakobsen.

you Ought to not do anything, to get more people to take the electric car – also on the slightly longer trips?

– We pusher with bonus points and considering at the moment to make it cheaper to take the electric car. But we are still to examine whether different rates might end up being a barrier for customers, he says.

Morten Jakobsen points out, moreover, that DriveNows current BMW i3 models will be continuously replaced with new models that can run longer on a charge, and also considering to get the Mini’s future electric vehicle into the fleet.