“Sources: S planning klimatoffensiv – with the cape against the large corporations and other countries”

“the social democrats to take up the fight against climate change with the green Party and the Centre party for the EUROPEAN elections, the hearts of Aftonbladet.”

“Stefan Löfven will be the face – and the attacks directed against countries and large corporations.”

“– When the MP and C talking about electric bikes, charging stations, and reduced flying, we will highlight that it’ll cost most of them that craps down the most, ” says a source. “

“the Climate and the environment is on the voters’ toppfem-list of voters ‘ most important issues. “

“Prime minister Stefan Löfvens party, however, has had difficulty breaking into in the climate debate. In the latest Aftonbladetu002FInizio was clear that it has both MP, C, M, and SD ahead of themselves when it comes to voters ‘ confidence in the issue. “

“But according to information provided to Aftonbladet plan’s now a klimatoffensiv – which will take up the fight with their own co-operation parties.”

“for the upcoming EU elections in may must crank up the tone a bit.”

“According to Aftonbladet’s sources to the party see more focus on political solutions globally and greater pressure and increased costs for the largest emitters, rather than putting the responsibility on the man in the street.”

“– When the green Party and the Centre party are talking about electric bikes, charging stations, and reduced flying, we will highlight that it’ll cost most of them that craps down the most, thus the large corporations and countries such as Poland, with its coal-fired power plants, ” says a source. “

“to”Equitable conversion””

“Stefan Löfven will be the primary carrier of the message, according to sources. With his background in the industry he has the knowledge of what is required to handle the shift, mean man. “

“In his speech on the S-congress recently spent Leaves a large part of his speech to the climate. “

” We shall lead a fair klimatomställning where everyone should do their, based on their conditions in the country, but where the rich need to do the absolute most. It needs to be done by the people, for the people, and with people, where there is a ok to you as an individual to bear, but a task we have to implement together, ” said Löfven, among other things.”

“the Credibility-challenged”

“In the green Party see it as positive that more parties now want to raise the issues of climate change seriously. But it stresses that S has a lot to live up to.”

“– the social Democrats ‘ credibility is not so high. Many conflicts in the government have dealt precisely with the climate, now the latest on the Arlanda airport where there’s want double the capacity without a thought for the consequences for the climate, ” says an MP source. “

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“Which party do you think has the best policies for environment & climate?”

“the Greens, 19 per cent”

“the Centre party, 13 per cent”

“the Conservatives, 12 per cent”

“The sweden democrats, 12 percent.”

“the social democrats, 10 per cent”

“the Left, 9 per cent”

“the Christian democrats, the 6 percent”

“the Liberals, the 2 per cent”

“Tveksamu002Fvet not, 15 per cent”

“were made to the survey: It is made by Inizio on behalf of Aftonbladet, within the framework of the Iniziopanelen that reflects the Swedish people. 1 314 people were interviewed between 14 and 29 march over the web.”

“the Question that was asked was: What political issue do you think is most important right now. Up to three answers were possible. The comparison applies to the last survey made in January.”