The Canton governments have yet to agree on a final Position on the framework agreement with the EU. You call the Federal Council , the clean up inside a politically controversial points with the EU first.

the continuation of The bilateral approach and a framework agreement to be from the point of view of the cantons, although of great importance, informed the conference of cantonal governments (KdK) after its plenary meeting on Friday. However, the current draft is open to let in the area of state aid, the accompanying measures and the Union citizens Directive questions.

This should clean up the Federal Council is in talks with the EU. The government must make it clear that Switzerland is mandatory in the case of an adoption of the framework agreement, to accept the right of EU citizens the EU’s line and any further development of the Union citizen’s right.

in Addition, must be taken into account in the accompanying measures to the free movement of persons “to the concerns of the social partners on the protection of Switzerland’s applicable wage and working conditions”.

First of all, the investigations, then Position

The institutional agreements should not lead to the state aid rules in areas that would be effective, in which Switzerland safe access to the EU have no contract the internal market. To the air transport agreement, belong, for example.

After the cleanup of these points, the Federal Council had the political implementation of prepare. Only after the results of the KdK will refer in conclusion Position.

SP: the Federal Council has not made the Insta homework

The SP has no established stance on the institutional agreement between Switzerland and the EU (Insta). For this, she has to many open questions. Now she is demanding answers from the Federal Council.

Alone, the core of the agreement, the SP Board of Directors have formulated 65 questions, said party President Christian Levrat on the Friday before the Federal house media. As long as these were not answered, could not be signed the agreement. “First, the Federal Council must do its homework.”

The questions of the SP relate to those four areas, the issues currently all parties: Accompanying measures, state aid, EU citizens Directive, and dispute resolution. For the accompanying measures, the SP wants to know, for example, whether the negotiations on the Insta can be completed, as long as the legal disputes over the EU-rules have not been clarified.

you may ask, what is the EU agree on the right want to wage protection measures, the Federal Council will propose, in order to prevent wage undercutting in Switzerland. Also for the extension of collective agreements to new industries, the party requires an opinion.

subsidies, in the sight

A long catalogue of questions concerning the state aid. It is unclear for the SP in particular, which areas of the EU-would relate to the rules. Your questions relate to Nativity scenes, among other things, the start-up funding for children, public transport or health care.

on The topic of dispute resolution asks the SP, who determines the Position of Switzerland in the various fora, or what would be the role and responsibilities of the Federal court. “In the past, the Federal government has no answers,” said Levrat. It is also unclear whether Switzerland may be obliged by the European court of justice (ECJ) for the Adoption of the Union citizens Directive. This should not be to a court of delegates, said Levrat. “This is a political question!”

The consultation of the parties and the social partners by the Federal Council of the SP-President described as a “strange Practice”. There was no consultation and no message. It is a sufficient basis for a legitimate opinion, lacked Levrat said.

implementation law to the agreement

The SP is not some party that has doubts and open questions. The CVP, in particular, should ensure the involvement of the people, Parliament and the cantons in the case of legal acquisition. In your written statement you have requested that the Federal Council submits to the Parliament with the Insta approval and implementation of law.

The level of the Swiss protection of Wages is to maintain the CVP. Room for adjustments to the wage protection only if this would be offset by more efficient processes, significant tightening of the sanctions, or through an extended Transition period.

Further, the CVP requires that the Union citizens Directive is explicitly excluded from the scope of the agreement. Critically, she also sees the involvement of the ECJ. It demands that its role is more precise. In particular, the ECJ in the interpretation and application of the EU should not have the right to the final decision, writes the CVP.

A clear attitude of the FDP and the SVP. The Federal house group of the FDP demands clarifications, but says Yes to the framework agreement. The SVP rejects such a circuit. (fal/sda)

Created: 29.03.2019, 17:50 PM