All of the rescue efforts were in vain: In Spain, the two-year-old Julen have been found dead in a 110-Meter-deep borehole. Now there is criticism of the rescue services. Was planned to be used incorrectly?

Spain mourns with the parents of the two-year-old Julen. After 13 days of efforts, the rescue services were able to recover the boy in the night is only dead from a 110-Meter-deep well shaft.

king Felipe VI and Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez kondolierten the parents. “The whole of Spain takes part in the infinite grief of Julens family,” wrote Sánchez on Twitter.

The parents had hoped to the last to a happy ending in the drama of the young. However, there was at no time a sign of life from the child or contact with him. Only a tuft of hair, which was subjected to a DNA Test, gave a hint to the fact that Julen was in the hole. It was also discovered in the case of camera recordings in the shaft, a bag of candy that Julen had. He was apparently on 13. January overthrown, as the family was busy with the preparation of the lunch.

use with many obstacles

auxiliary forces had been trying ever since to recover the boy. Since the hole 25 centimeters too narrow for an adult, a vertical parallel shaft drilled to dig and then from there, a 3.8-Meter-long horizontal Tunnel to the bottom of the borehole.

The texture of the mountain made it more difficult to Work values. Again and again, the rescuers encountered extremely hard Rock that delayed the Work. Since Thursday evening, experienced miners under the most difficult conditions with pickaxes and compressed air had dug hammering out a horizontal Tunnel in order to Julen. However, until recently it was unclear whether the Boy would actually be in the from the experts suspected the depth of found. On Saturday they reached the point at which the body of the child was.

The rescue team worked its way slowly further and further to the boy. Spain had hoped for days with the parents and agonising.

the use of planned wrong?

Meanwhile, critics accuse the emergency services, to have the use of not properly planned, reported, correspondent for the ARD Oliver Neuroth. Therefore, you would have had to penetrate to the child, and not only after 13 days.

A representative of the Spanish government in andalucía said, you have to get Julen, on the one hand as quickly as possible from the well shaft, on the other hand, however, so be careful that the child could have suffered no further damage.

appeal to property owners

Also discussed the widespread practice of drilling without approval, well, in Spain is critical. The representative of the Central government in Andalusia called on all property owners to seal illegal boreholes, so that such a calamity cannot happen again.

environmentalists estimate that in Spain there are around a Million of these Wells, especially in the dry South of the country. Many Spaniards to pin without permission from the ground water, to water, for example, agricultural land.