Mexico’s President has asked the king of Spain and the Pope in letters about the Spanish conquest and subjugation of indigenous peoples in the 16th century. Excuse of the century. He hoped for a “historic reconciliation” in the year 2021.
???? #VIDEO El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador @lopezobrador_, anunció hoy que a nombre del Estado Mexicano – pedirá El perdón por los based campaign, cometidos contra los pueblos indígenas en el país, durante los últimos 200 años ????????
— CódigoQro (@CodigoQro) 26. March 2019
It was an Invasion, during the were arbitrarily subjected to the peoples, said Andrés Manuel López Obrador in a Video message, which was published on Monday in the social networks. He had sent the letters to Pope Francis and king Felipe VI, so that the grievances would be considered and that the peoples concerned have received an apology for the violation of human rights, the left politicians in the Video, the site of Comalcalco in the state of Tabasco shows him in the Maya.
Spanish government rejects
The Spanish conquest was done with the sword and the cross, said López Obrador. He hope that 2021 will be a year of “historic reconciliation”. 2021 marks the thirtieth is equal to three for the history of Mexico important events. 500 years ago (1521) fell, the former Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan to the Spaniards, 1321 had been founded. In 1821, Mexico gained its independence. This is the time to reconcile, the President. “But first, we ask for an apology.” He was going to apologize for crimes against indigenous peoples and other minorities after the independence of Mexico from Spain.
The Spanish government refused an apology. The content of the letter will be completely rejected, it said in a communication that was distributed in the Spanish media. The government regret that the contents of the letter by López Obrador himself had been made public. The Writing was already on 1. In March the Spanish government. (roy/SDA)
Created: 26.03.2019, 03:28 PM