The SPD wants to rebuild the welfare state: a citizen’s income instead of Hartz IV, a basic pension, children’s basic security. Juso-chief Kühnert defended the controversial plans in ARD morning magazine .

The SPD has concretized its plans for an income-dependent children of basic security. According to the “Funke MEDIENGRUPPE” to all of the current child benefits, education and participation, combined package or from Hartz IV to be a package.

In Key sets, the SPD accordingly on a Two-pillar model: This is oriented not only on individual financial need, but take into account institutional performance in kindergarten, school, day-care and participation are offered to support. Children of single parents or of parents with Hartz IV should receive more money than children from wealthy families.

Kühnert promotes reforms

Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert, defended the plans of the SPD for a Reform of the welfare state. In order for the party to solve, “from a leaden debate” of the past few years, said Kühnert in the ARD morning magazine. It is a matter of people “who do not have much income”.

on The topic of Hartz IV had been talking in the past 15 years, a lot of, “but there was no constructive discussion”. Less than a year, the SPD have been focused on the topic. “Now there really is a result, behind which the party can gather.”

Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert to the SPD-the social concept
tomorrow magazine, 07.02.2019

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