Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger called for vigilance on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with China. “German-Chinese relations must always be critically questioned, especially with regard to research cooperation,” said the FDP politician to the German Press Agency. China has gone from being a strategic partner to a fierce competitor and systemic rival for Germany and the EU, she added.

When it comes to global challenges such as climate change, the minister sees Beijing as a partner who must be actively held accountable. In sensitive areas, she advocated drawing clear boundaries. Stark-Watzinger mentioned artificial intelligence “that China misuses to monitor its citizens” or cooperation with “dual-use risks” – i.e. joint research, the results of which could also be used for undesirable purposes. “That’s why we’re canceling topics and cooperation with China, especially for key technologies that we don’t think are justifiable.”

50 years ago, on October 11, 1972, the Federal Republic and China established diplomatic relations and opened embassies in Beijing and in the then German capital of Bonn. Relations have become closer and closer in recent years. Angela Merkel alone visited China twelve times during her term in office.

With regard to the so-called Confucius Institutes, which exist at several universities in Germany, Stark-Watzinger said that she rejects any direct or indirect political influence by China on our teaching and science. “Here the universities are asked whether they tolerate institutes that are co-financed and politically oriented by Beijing.” Confucius Institutes are based on cooperation between Chinese and German universities.