“Stefan Löfven strikes back against Sjöstedt and Kristersson”
“After threats of partiledardebatten: ”Not afraid””
“Im on,” said Ulf Kristersson in the debate, Jonas Sjöstedt, to dismiss Stefan Löfven.”
“Now, turn the prime minister back against the threat of the prospect.”
“I can’t go around and be afraid,” says Löfven.”
“the Left party released until Stefan Löfven (S) and the prime minister – with the threat to remove him if the S, MP, C and L go on with the market rents and changes to labour laws.”
“During the partiledardebatten in the parliament took the administration of Jonas Sjöstedt up the issue again and invited Ulf Kristersson (M) in question. The answer he got was that the M is with the, ”Im on,” said Kristersson.”
“don’t be afraid to be appropriated”
“After the debate hit the Leaves, even if he refuses to go around and be afraid to be set aside.”
“– It is they who must take responsibility for their actions in the Swedish parliament, the way it should you ask them for, “he said about the threat from the V and M.”
“But are you afraid of the threat? “
” I can’t go around and be afraid. Now we have made a fyrpartiöverenskommelse in januariavtalet that is good for Sweden, ” says Löfven.”
“Then he stresses that Sweden is in a different political position now than in the past and that all must understand that the configurations that worked last term of office no longer makes it.”
” Either we sit in each corner and says ”just so here we have it, here will be no compromise”. But then there will be no strengthening of the society, then we solve the not found and then it will no Sweden safer. What do you do when you sit down and make agreements that are good for Sweden.”
“– Now we have made an arrangement and we shall deliver it and the work will begin.”
“Stefan Löfven said that the debate in parliament had been ”at times, tough but good”. He also determined that it has been a long-lasting formation of governments which landed in a wide-ranging agreement that will be able to implement the reforms.”
“– Now lack neither zeal or tasks, ” says Löfven.”
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