More than every second of the newborn in Ishøj, Vallensbæk, Brøndby and Taastrup in 2018 has a mother with immigrant or efterkommerbaggrund.

nationwide, the percentage of children born of immigrants and descendants in the last ten years has increased from 14 percent to 22.4 percent. Extra Magazine brings an interview with the Liberal party’s immigration and integration minister, Inger Støjberg, on the matter.

– What is your immediate reaction to the development in the Area?

– It shows that there has been a very lax immigration policy for many years. And I think that it is a problem. It is a problem when we have areas in Denmark, where we can see that foreigners are in the majority. This creates problems in terms of distorting the Danish values and the Danish way of life. We can see that it is the case in ghettoområderne, the minister says, and continues:

– This is why we have provided a great strategy to get made up with the ghetto areas. It does not matter that there actually are areas in Denmark that is not Danish.

– you Must make an active effort to spread the immigrants and their descendants over several municipalities?

– we are already doing This in relation to the newcomers. When you come to Denmark, so we determine where you will be staying in the first year. Unless you get a work, then one must, of course, good move for it. It also means that there is a so-called nulkommuner – that is, municipalities that did not receive refugees. It is, among other things vestegnskommunerne. It is precisely in order to get made up with that, you immediately move into, where there are aliens, that look like a even, says Inger Støjberg.

According to Martin Henriksen illustrates the development the need for a paradigm shift in immigration policy. Can the paradigm shift to remedy this issue?

– There is no doubt that the paradigm shift will make an impact in the future. It we look at the Area now. And the ill-fated situation, we are seeing in some areas is because of that which through many years has led a very, very lenient immigration policy in Denmark. It is actually also not managed to send the people home who have come here, and who do not need our protection, but have been here anyway, ” she says, and adds:

– The paradigm shift will have implications for the future. However, the accident is far along the way already happened in the Area. So you could say that brakes the accident. When it is said, then there is no doubt whatsoever that our ghettostrategi will also impact on some of the areas to make sure that there will be a greater spread. It is the one part of it. The other part is that the 112 the tightening of immigration policy, which we have implemented since the government took office in 2015, has a meaning and get a meaning.

– Who bears the responsibility for ensuring that Denmark has pursued a misguided immigration policy through the decades?

– If it is all about getting people into work, or the lack of it – also in relation to that we have got people sent home, which is no longer in need of protection – I think in reality, it is far down the road is a shared responsibility. It is not only the red parties that have the responsibility for it. It is clear that there has been adopted a more lenient immigration policy, when the social democrats and the radicals have been at the nightclub, says Inger Støjberg, and continues:

– But you can’t say that there is also during the civil governments have taken a more lenient immigration policy than we do now. There, we bear partial responsibility, but there is no doubt whatsoever, that the things which happen in these years of the austerity, also means a dramatic reduction in the number of asylum seekers, but also a dramatic increase in relation to getting people into the labour market, get a great importance in the future, if you can stick with it. It is clear that there are a number of parties, which oppose it. And it is the one and only left. But the bourgeois parties have historically also a responsibility for it here.

– If development continues, it is a matter of time before the ethnic danes ends up being the minority population in the concerned municipalities. What is your attitude to it?

– It is highly worrying. I know well that many say that I’m in a terribly tough immigration policy, while others believe that I can not eyes the possibility of a tightening. It should preferably be carried out yesterday, resolved today, and we can not wait for tomorrow with it. But when it is said, is in my opinion quite necessary to make sure that Denmark is the Denmark in the morning, as we know, ” she says, and adds:

– It is running out of our hands in some areas of Denmark. And I do not want, that we must come to resemble Sweden. If we want to be sure that we are not going to look like Sweden, it is necessary that we lead a very, very tight immigration policy. Quite simply in order to get slowed up and cleared up some of the problems we have. But it is not an easy task.