In the 60’s, the beginning got Sonya Hedenbratt a hit with Hasseåtages jazzy folkhemshyllning ”Rågsved”. Here shinty stick was singed the modern förortslivets joys and comforts. Most of it was good and nice.

”Our house is recently built / everything is compatible and neat”. And ”allow a range hood over the stove / it is good”.

later, the image was of Rågsved another. Välfärdsidyllen was in Ebba groen’s punkversion the epitome of alienation and boredom. ”There is nothing to do in this boring suburb there’s nothing for us here / nah sorry I exaggerated a little bit / we can do, supa and fight.”

In the 60’s had the newly built bostadsområdenas color been green; families fled from the city rocky desert, out to the lawns and pine groves. In the 70’s were a utopia betonggrå.

Many of the ”betongförorterna” transformed gradually into what we today call ”utanförskapsområden”. The so called ” became a deterrent example of the risks associated with large-scale and industrial construction. Rekordårens mistakes would never be repeated, said, and thought, man.

636.000 people in the queue for housing in Stockholm. The whole of Gothenburg plus Halmstad looking for homes in the helsinki metropolitan area, and have rarely afford to be picky. The question is how many will be able to afford to stay at all.

It passed a long time ago a debate in Sweden about the ”market rents”. In januariavtalet between the government and the liberal rodney king during an arrest are representations of the free rents in new construction. It is a symbolically important act, but the question is what effect the reform will have on the housing market at large. The newly built housing represents a very small part of the total stock.

Second, and maybe beskare, the medications needed to cure a sick market.

and indignant criticism against the ”marknadshyrorna” eroded in addition to a large group of tenants already pay the brutal market rents. It is about the stockholm housing market’s weakest groups: the young, the newcomers, the newcomers, those who are confined to stay in the second, third and fourth hand and are forced to pay ockerhyror. Snitthyran for a andrahandsetta in Stockholm is reported to now be 13 000 sek; much to fork out for a 25-year-old nursing assistant, or a newly hatched police sergeant.

One day they will come to the town hall from Bredäng, Brandbergen, and Blackeberg and they will come up with a huge roar like a waterfall and request a home of their own. It is well to try to prevent this as the city of Stockholm in cooperation with the three housing companies are betting on a smaller miljonprogram in miniature: Stockholmshusen, buy a licence, and therefore in theory cheaper, rental properties around town.

not cheaper. The first tenants are now moving into two Stockholmshus in Rågsved. The goal was to rent for a third of the 77 square would be modest 7 500 sek. It was almost 4 000 more, over 11 300 sek.

those who think that the housing question can be solved by building ”more cheap rental apartments” are the victims of an illusion. Second, and perhaps beskare, the medications needed to cure a sick market.

In the DN Debate presented some time ago, the economists Lars Jonung and Roland Andersson a model for the gradual introduction of general market rents. It would make inequalities between different categories of tenants less striking and may also increase mobility on the market. One of many possible reforms to consider in the context of an increasingly necessary and ambitious and blocköverskridande bostadsutredning.