“Malin Persson Giolito”

“Stop the injustice, otherwise we smoked.”

“in 2015, we wanted to do everything to support the people on the run. In 2016, we talked only about the threat of terrorism.”

“in 2017 was the #metoo. If our hearts have remained open? Hmmm. If we have won the wars against the våldsextremism and the oppression of women? It may not be possible to call it a landslide victory anyway?”

“What the ”thingy” is in the years there is in any case no doubt. ”Klimatångesten” is the new black.”

“Will we get tired? Of course. We will find something else to worry about? In all probability, yes. It does not mean that the world will go under? Well, probably.”

“Is there nothing that can save us? One can always hope. I know what it is? No, it makes no. I intend to still tell you what I think? Why not? It is soon christmas.”

“The most common answer to the question ”How do we save our planet?” is that we need to change our lifestyles.”

“I agree that everyone has a responsibility, but it is still not a solution I’m willing to bet my children’s future. For sure. I have changed out of my diesel car to a self-powered hybrid. I take the train when it works in practice. I have pulled down on the family’s beef consumption to about 250 grams per person per month, and my own komjölkskonsumtion to almost zero. This past year I have bought three new items of clothing for myself. I carries out waste sorting; and fills the dishwasher to a breaking point before I start the (preferably the middle of the night). “

“I do it because anything else would be deeply immoral and because I can afford to change my ”lifestyle”. But. Just that I have the time and can afford to have ”a lifestyle” gives a hint of the problem. For despite the fact that I like to brag about my awareness as I fly (and certainly not just when the job ”requires” it). I buy the soaps and candles and creams in weird packaging, shampoo that lathers and detergents as well as corrode away the dirt. I will be happy to take the car (which, in all honesty draws a lot of petrol) and I eat both pork and chicken, although I am not able to watch the videos that show how they have made it to my plate. “

“One thing is clear. It is NOT I, or those like me, who will save the world. We are too self-absorbed for that. Carpe fucking diem, parce que je le vaut bien, hashtag fucking yolo.”

“another popular proposal for a ”solution” to the climate cataclysm is that because our politicians are not capable of agreeing, and democracy, moreover, is so impractically designed that you have to listen to voters who like Donald Trump, will our businesses and consumers to voluntarily control the situation. Namely, it is not good for the growth if the planet burns up. Dead people do not bring mobile phone to the latest model. If parts of New York city flooded, it becomes very difficult to keep stock prices up. I think that there is much in it. But I don’t think that either will suffice.”

“there is still a crucial problem that is not going to release from the climate crisis.”

“And it must be solved politically. ”We must have the courage to talk about the elephant in the room”, as Yvo de Boer, former general secretary of the UN framework convention on climate change, expressed it. ”Who is going to pay the bill?””

“you just Want to draw a single lesson from what happened in France since the yellow vests went out on the streets to protest against (inter alia) the rise in petrol and diesel prices, so it is this: in order to save the environment, we must do something about the economic inequities. Otherwise, we are smoked. (Or drowned.) It requires increased taxes for the companies that account for the highest emissions, but also a redistribution of economic resources, both globally as well as nationally. “

“So what can we hope for, now when the C and L just gave SD the decisive political power that they went to the election on to never allow for, and voted through a högerbudget with sharp cuts in the environmental budget? That the next ”political trend” will be to demand economic justice, perhaps? That we begin to vote, in accordance with it? “

“Then perhaps we can also make sure that our time, the planet becomes something other than a transient fad.”